2 The Truest Believer

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We searched for the Boy, for years but no luck came.

We hired two idiots and told them that their goal was to destroy magic that it didn't belong.

But my hope faded slightly and my worry grew because Peter's time was weeks at the most, we needed the Boy.

Peter and I sat on a log beside the crackling fire at camp, it was normal until I noticed Peter suddenly sit up and a smile appears on his face.

"What is it?" I ask.

"They're here, and they brought the Boy." Peter tells me.

I smile. "Finally."

"Go on Boy's, find them!" Peter yelled and the Lost Boys quickly get ready and run off just as I'm about to fallow I feel a grip on my arm I turn around to see Peter.

"No, you're going come with me." Peter said smiling. He goes and picks up two cloaks, tossing one to me, "I have a plan, just fallow my lead."

A smile spreads across my face and I put the cloak on. Peter grabs my hand and we appear in the leaves. I hear shouting and then sound of feet approaching. I rest my back against the tree as Peter stands up and reaches through the bushes pulling back a Boy, his hands were bound. But he was not just any Boy, he was the Boy Peter needed, the truest believer, I couldn't quite remember his name.
Pan, I, and the Boy sit in silence as we waited for the Lost Boys to pass.

"Thanks." The Boy says out of breath.

"Pan and his forces are in tune with every grain of sand on the island. We must be careful." Peter tells the boy kindly.

"Are you Lost Boy's?" The Boy asks looking at both me and Peter.

"We were, but we escaped. And now they're after us too." Peter says.

I stand up and hand Peter a knife to cut the rope tied around the Boy's hand's.

"How? What happened?" He asks.

"No time for questions kid. We must keep moving!" I say adding a touch of exhaustion and fear into my voice.

"Come on." Peter says as he helps up the Boy, and we run.

We run through the thick bushes of Neverland, Peter leading the way. We eventually slow down and stop in a small clearing.

    "I think we lost them." Peter said.

   "Ok. Can we rest for a minute?" The kid said panting.
Peter nods in response and the Boy sits down on a rock catching his breath.

   "Your new. Did the Shadow take you too?" Peter asks, I go and sit down on the ground with my back resting against the cold rock the Boy is sitting on.

    "No, I was kidnapped by some people who worked for Pan."

    "I'm sorry." I say tilting my head up to look at his face, then I look at Peter.

    "If he sent for you, he wants you. And if Pan wants you, he will get you."

   "Why does Pan want you both?" The kid asks looking at me then Peter.
Peter reveals a small bottle tied around his neck.

   "Pixie dust. I stole it from him because I thought we could use it to fly away and for us to go home. But it doesn't work, it's useless." He said.

    "There's something wrong with the magic, the pixie dust was our only hope of escaping, but it's hopeless." I say looking down.

    "Don't worry, my family's coming to rescue me and you guys can come with us." I can hear the hope in the Boys voice.

    "You really think you're the first boy to believe that his family's actually coming for them?" Peter said.

Peter Pan, True Love // Peter x Y/n // OUATWhere stories live. Discover now