11 Storybrooke Again

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I was sent back to Neverland and so were the Lost Boys, the ones Emma promised a home. I was there leader now.
But without Peter nothing felt right anymore and I often sat in Peter's thinking tree. There was something that I was sure of, I have to get Peter back.
But there was still one thing that gave me joy, Jane, she was my happiness, my baby, my everything.
I let my Shadow watch over the other lands and tell me about Emma and the others. But nothing special she was just human and normal for the time being.
I looked after Jane to the best of my ability.
Although the pregnancy was very strange around the Lost boys, I still went to a hospital when the time was.
My Shadow gave me no news for 1 year.
But suddenly it returned and told me something I was not expecting. It told me that Storybrooke is back and I knew I must go to Storybrooke if I ever wanted Peter back.
So I left Devin temporarily in charge of Neverland with my Shadow watching over of course.

"Devin, one more thing. Can you watch over Jane. Not a scratch on her or I'll have some fun when I return." I tell him just as I'm about to leave.

I stayed a couple of weeks before I left.

I arrived in Storybrooke it was a cold night. I made my way to Granny's. I get myself a room and walk n up to it, but just as my hand reached the door every thing went black. I rushed in the room and looked out the window, all the lights in Storybrooke were out.
I sit down on the bed and go over my thoughts, I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know its morning. I put on a hoodie and pants to help hide myself in case they are still angry about the Henry situation like I'm still angry about what happened to Peter.
I leave the room and in the food part of Granny's and pull my hood over my head. I ordered something to eat and listen in to the other conversations I hear people talking about a meeting or chat at the mayors offices, of course I had to go.
I finish my food and my my way there. When I arrive there were already a couple people inside, luckily they didn't notice me entering, I grab a piece of paper and sit in a chair in the back. Not long after Snow entered carrying a baby.

    "Hi, everyone. And welcome to the very first mayors fireside chat. For too long, this office was a place to be feared. Well, I want every citizen to feel welcome and included here. So, if you could just refer to the meeting agenda I printed." Snow said to everyone in her usual cheery voice.

    "Uh, what's this about an Ice Wall?" Someone interrupted.

    "Oh, that's item four. We'll get to that in a minute." Snow responded.

    "I vote we skip items one, two, and three. Show of hands!" One of the Dwarfs said loudly.

Everyone raised their hand including me.

    "No, that's... fine. No, I can... I can be flexible." Snow continued. "The Ice Wall is nothing to worry about. For the time being, it does surround the entire town."

Everyone started talking, it makes sense, a giant Ice Wall is definitely nothing to worry about.
Snows baby stars to cry.
   "Calm down the Wall isn't hurting anyone." Snow says calmly.

    "We've been through all this before. I ain't worried about the Wall. I'm worried about who made it." The Dwarf yelled.

    "Item five. Her name is Elsa. She's a friend." Snow reassured.

    "Is she the one that froze my truck?"

    "And made that snow monster that almost killed Marian?"
Different people stated.

    "I've spoken to Elsa and I promise you we will have all of this under control very soon. And there will be no more danger of any kind." David said standing up beside his wife, Snow.

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