17 A New Story

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I wake up on the floor, I quickly stand up. I breathe a sigh of relief when I see Jane laying unharmed on the bed, but Hook was nowhere to be seen.

    "Hook? Hook!" I yell as I pick Jane up and walk out.
I wasn't just Hook that was gone, Granny's was completely empty but not just there, everyone one just disappeared.
Run outside and soon I hear someone yelling. I go towards the voice and find Henry.

   "Henry? Where is everyone?" I run up to him.

    "Their all gone." Henry says.

    "Don't worry, we'll find them. Do you know how to drive?" I nod my head towards a car.

Henry smiles and gets in the drivers seat, we speed off.
Henry looks at me. "Who's that?" He says referring to Jane.

"Oh, this is Jane, my baby." I smile. " and technically your great Aunt." I laugh slightly.
We arrive at the closest town. We go to a dinner which Henry parks to the best of his abilities and we go inside.

A red haired lady speaks the moment we step inside, "Nice parking job. Are you even old enough to drive?" She smiles at us.

    "Yeah, are you? I need some help." Henry pulls out some photos and lays them out on the counter. "Have you seen any of these people?"

    "Mmm...No. No, I haven't." The lady said after she looked over the images.

    "It's my family are you sure?" Henry asked again.

    "Look why don't you two wait here and I can.. um...I'll, ask some of the others." She's says then walks away and picks up her phone."Yeah, I've got some runaways." I here her say to her phone.

    "Henry it's time to go." I say.
Henry quickly gathers up all the pictures and turns for the door, but just as we were about to leave he saw something. He picks up a book and we leave, quickly getting in the car and drive off.

"What's so special about this book?" I ask him after we've driven for a bit and Jane was fast asleep.

"The Author wrote it." Henry said giving no further explanation as we drive all the way to a city nonstop until we reach a big crowed building.

Henry and me with Jane in my arms go in a crowded and long line for the signing of the book. When we reach the Author, Henry slides up a picture of a door.
I laugh at the surprise and fear in the Author's face the moment he sees the door.

"What are you doing here?" He asked us.

"What did you do with my family? Where are they?" Henry demands.

"I, uh..." He clears his throat. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Uh-uh. You're lying." I say.

"Now, you know what this does." Henry shows him the key. "So you either give us some answers or I open this door again and you get a whole new ending." Henry says.

The Author gives in an brings us into the back, full of boxes and books.
I call my Shadow to take Jane as Henry talks to the Author. I say goodbye and go over to Henry.

"Are they still alive?" Henry threatens to use the key.

"Easy with the key, cowboy! Your family is fine. If you want to get technical, they're in here." The Author pulls out a long big black book with in silver writing on the top that said Heroes and Villains. "See? The original copy of my book. The one that I always wanted to write. They all live in here now, but in kind of an alternate reality."

"You made them miserable!" Henry said angrily.

"I see that you've read some of my book. Good, good! Then you know that everyone got the ending they deserve, except Emma, of course. You won't find her in the book. There was no room for a Savior in my world."

Peter Pan, True Love // Peter x Y/n // OUATWhere stories live. Discover now