12 Elsa

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The next day I just stayed at Emma's, Snows and David's place helping Elsa with finding her sister. It was quite boring but I managed.

The next day, after a quick breakfast I went to sheriff's station.
When I got there Elsa, David and Emma were there but there was a guy that I had never seen before in one of the two jail cells. Emma was talking to him. I walked over to Elsa and David.

    "Any luck?" I ask.
Elsa shakes her head. I grab a big book and sat on the desk as I started to look through it.
At that moment Hook comes in.

    "Where were you?" Emma asked him.

    "Sorry, love. I just got your message. I..." He stop's when he sees the man in the cell.

    "It's okay. I just need another minute here." And Emma turns back to the man in the cell for a couple more minutes then walks over to Hook.

    "Emma, there's something I need to talk to you about." David said standing up.

    "Well, make it fast. I wanna go after the Snow Queen before the train gets cold." Emma says walking over.

    "The name the Snow Queen's used in Storybrooke, Sarah Fisher? The name doesn't appear anywhere in the census records." David tells her.

    "What does that mean?"

    "You were right. She didn't come here by any curse."

    "Then how'd she get here? And what the hell does she want with me?" Emma asked him.

After we finish looking through the books we start bringing out boxes full of files and look through them. There was nothing till Elsa found an interesting envelope full of pictures of Emma and some with the Snow Queen, but what was most interesting was that she couldn't remember it.
We all got in the car and Emma drove us to the cemetery to talk with Regina about the photos.

    "You coming?" Emma said to Elsa and only Elsa.

    "I think this sounds like something you two should  talk about alone. You know, if things were getting better between you two before, maybe they can again." Elsa kindly told Emma.

    "Doubt it. I screwed her over. Once you screw someone over, there's no getting them back." Emma said opening the car door.

    "What makes you say that?"

"Experience." Emma says before getting out of the car slamming the door behind her. She walked into Regina's vault.

Elsa and me sit there for a long time. I lay back in the back seat as the sky slowly darkened.
Strangely after a long time Elsa just got out of the car. I sat up and opened my door. I see Elsa running into the mist.

"Elsa!" I yell but she ignores me.
I sigh and get out of the car, shutting the door before running after her.
I run deep into the dark woods, only hearing the faint calls of Elsa. I keep running trying to fallow Elsa voice. Till she goes silent. I almost give up hope on finding her when I stumble across an ice staircase. I hold the railing and slowly walk up the stairs carefully not to slip. I reach the other side and continue surcharging of Elsa. Finally I find Elsa surrounded by snow with her hand chained to the ground and her eyes closed. She opens her eyes, not yet noticing me and quickly pulls her hand into her body breaking the chains.

"I think I missed something." I say as she looks at me. "What on earth happened?"

"The Snow Queen, hurry this way." Else say quietly walking past me.

"We can't just wait for them to find us."

She doesn't answer so I fallow her. We come through the trees and she Regina, Emma and the Snow Queen together. Elsa moves forward and blasts ice at the Snow Queen shooting her backwards.

"You wanna fight, fight me." Elsa said walking over to the Snow Queen.
The Snow Queen gets to her feet.

"Well, done, Elsa. You're losing your fear. There's hope for you yet." She says to Elsa.

"Let's just finish this now." Regina said stepping forward.

"No need I have what I want." Just as the Snow Queen says that she disappears into a swarm of snow.

"Are you both okay." Elsa asks Regina and Emma.

"We are now. Thank you." Emma says then turns to Regina. "Why didn't you tell me about Sidney?"

"Because, despite what you wish, we're not partners. I didn't ask you to tag along." Regina turns around.

"Well, I did. And if you had told me, maybe you would have saved us some trouble." Emma yelled.

"Okay. Tell you what? That I threw Sidney in a mirror to help me kill Marian, but then I changed my mind? What's the point? You never would've believed me. I know you too well, Swan. So, stop trying to get me to forgive you, because it'll never happen." Regina yelled back.

"Stop it! You two need to mend your differences otherwise, Storybrooke doesn't stand a chance." Elsa try's to calm them.

"Or you could keep on going, it's just getting interesting." I say quietly to myself.

"We never will." Regina chuckles. "For one simple reason. I don't want to." And she walks off disappearing in purple smoke.

"Well, I think that went well." I smile and they all look at me.

We walk back to the car through the woods.

"I'm sorry I took off. The Snow Queen tricked me. She made it seem like Anna was here. I thought I was chasing her." Elsa apologizes.

"It's alright, but maybe give me a warning." I say and she laughs slightly.
We reach the car and Emma goes back into Regina's vault as Elsa and me wait in the car again. When Emma comes back she drops me off at Granny's then drives off with Elsa. I went straight to bed, and for the first time it was easy to fall asleep.
Early the next morning I am called to the sheriffs station.

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