9 Shadow

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I stand there off to the side as Regina calls Henry's name worried. She quickly goes to Henry and gently shakes him.

"Oh, no! Henry?" She then turns to me, "What did you do?"

"I've done nothing, look." I nod my head towards Henry, as he just woke up.

"It's okay. I'm okay." Henry gasped.

"Are you sure? Did she do anything?" Regina asked.

"I swear I didn't touch him." I confirm.

"He's a strong boy, Regina. You raised him well." Rumple says.
I head for the ladder.

"I'm just gonna go now." I say as Rumple follows close behind me.

I go over to Felix and sit down. Soon I feel cold, I turn to my side and see my Shadow. I nod and it rejoin's with my body.
I suddenly hear the sound of a cannon followed by screams, I look up to see Peter's Shadow, now imprisoned by magic as Regina locks him in the sail turning it black.
The ship starts to fly, going over the clouds. Felix and I sit in silence.
After a bit I hear footsteps on the wood I look up and smile as I see Henry approaching with two plates of food.
He holds one out to me and the other to Felix. I take the plate but Felix doesn't up.

"Go away, boy. Not hungry." Felix said.

"But I came to thank you." When Henry said that Felix turns his head to the side to look at him.

"No matter what those other traitors do, I'm on Pan's side. And Pan...."

"Never fails." Henry finishes.
I chuckled at the confusion on Felix's face.

"What?" Felix says confused.

"You heard me. Peter Pan never fails. He can't be stopped, even when they think he's defeated, when they think they've won, he finds a way." Henry says.

"So you think you're not safe?" Felix questions still not getting it.

"Oh, no, I'm perfectly safe. During our struggle, my fate was sealed. The one who's in trouble is Henry." Henry said confusing Felix more.

"But you're Henry." Felix says.

"Not anymore."

"You..." Felix says finally getting it and I smile, "You switched."

"You sure you're not hungry?" Henry or more like Peter asks again offering the food.

"Thank you. Pan." Felix says taking the food.

"Now, let's play."

After a long trip the ship finally goes down and docks at what I'm sure is Storybrooke. I get off the ship before the Lost Boys.
Me and Felix stand by the edge of the dock and soon Henry comes over.

    "What do you have in mind, Peter?" Felix asks, "What if someone decides to open that box? Let the real boy out."

    "That's not the problem. Trust me." I say.

    "What's the next step?" Felix asks us.

    "You need to be punished." Peter says to Felix, he turns and yells at his family, "Hay, Mom! Dad! What about Felix? He's still free!" He steps away from Felix and I stand a little in front of Henry separating them.

    "What are you doing?" Felix whispers.

    "They need to trust me." Henry whispers back.
His family walks over.
Regina steps in front of Felix.
    "Henry's right. We can't just let Felix walk around freely." Regina said.

    "Oh, don't worry, we've got plenty of cell space for this guy." David says and walks off with Felix.
Then the group turns to me.

    "We can't let you go either." Regina says.

    "I'm really sorry for what Pan has done, but I promise I will never hurt Henry again." I then turn to Neal, "Please, Neal you know me, I'm not bad."
He thinks for a bit.

   "She was always kind when Pan kidnapped me." Henry adds.

    "Please, I am truly sorry." I say.

    "I guess if Henry's fine with it." Emma says.

I smile, "Oh thank you."
They then leave.
I decided to go to a place called Granny's, or that's what everyone calls it. It was a cafe, there were already many people inside. I spot Henry sitting in a booth with Emma, I walk over to the counter where Hook was.


    "(Y/n)!" He turns to look at me, "I thought they'd lock you up."

   "You can get rid of me. Any way my kindness got the best of the boy." I smile.

Neal comes over to Hook so I separate from them.
I go back to the front and ask for a room. Luckily they had some.
I walked up to my room and locked the door. It was small with one bed and a couple dressers. I go straight to the window and open it. I gasp as my Shadow leaves my body again. I sit down on the bed and watch it fly out.

In the morning I wake up to tapping on my window, which soon flies open followed by a cold wind. Quickly I sit up and and am met by a Shadow floating over me, Peter's Shadow.
It explains in it's cold harsh whisper voice what Peter is planning, about the curse, and then leaves.

There was one thing I had to do before I went to find Henry/Peter. I had to make Peter forget, forget about me, temporarily, so he could complete the curse without my death. There was something in Rumples shop that could help me with the spell.

I quickly left Granny's and ran to Rumples shop. After a while of looking I found what I needed.
I run out of the shop and put a good distance between it. I take out the bottle that I took from the shop and place it on the ground. I put one of my hairs in it and mix it before closing my eyes and hold the bottle. I smile with joy when I open my eyes seeing the liquid glow slightly. I stand up and call my Shadow.

    "Give this to Pan, make sure he drinks it all. It will only last for 30 minutes as long as he doesn't see me. hurry." I hand the bottle over to it and it fly's off.

    "Now, to get the well." I say to myself.

I walk off into the woods.
After a lot of walking, now by this time it's already late night, I finally see the well through the trees. Quickly duck down hiding in the bushes. Watching Felix and Peter add the ingredients.
Then Pan turns to Felix, I hear Felix yell a couple no's before Peter in Henry's body rips out his heart and crushes it over the well and Felix falls to the floor unmoving.

Peter Pan, True Love // Peter x Y/n // OUATWhere stories live. Discover now