16 Another Curse

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All they do is yell back and forth getting nowhere as Anna tried to talk calmly to Kristoff.

    "I'm gonna go see my sister, and you just stay here handcuffed where can't hurt anybody but me, with your words." Anna says.

    "He's hurting me with his voice, I'm going to get a pounding headache if they never stop." I say to her.

Anna walks off.
I press my my hands tightly to my ears but it hardly does anything.
Anna comes back with Neal in her arms.

"Welcome back." I give her a fake smile.

Anna puts Neal in his baby stroller and attempts to stop Snow and David from arguing, and surprise surprise she fails.

"Anna! Please stop what ever you're doing it's just making them worse." I yell to her.

"Well, well, well, isn't this my lucky day. I had come here to kill Emma, but now I get to kill the two idiots who started it all." Regina said as she walked in to the station wearing a black dress.

"Hey, I wasn't the one that told Cora about your secret boyfriend." David yelled.

"Are you selling me out?" Snapped Snow.

"Shut up! You both deserve to die." Regina hissed.

"Thank you." I say quietly.

    "You took my first true love from me. Now, I'm going to return the favour by taking your baby." Regina said.


"Regina!" David and Snow yell.

"Please, your majesty, let's be reasonable." Anna pleaded putting herself in between Neal and Regina.

And the argument continues then suddenly Regina poofs Anna and Kristoff away then lifting up her hand Snows cell down unlocked and a sword appeared in their hands.

"Oh dear." I stand up and walk towards them. "Would you all mind not killing each other."

"And you tried to kill my son. So you'll be next." Regina said then she slams me against the wall with magic and her and Snow start fighting.
But that didn't stop the arguments it just got louder.

"You know what, I tried to play nice, but apparently that's not going to happen." I say to myself as I stand up brushing myself off.
I smile and appear in front of Snow.

"Of course you use magic." Snow said before swinging her sword at me and I teleport behind her. "I thought there was no magic."

"Oh, I always keep my promise, that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to cheat." I smile and kick Snows feet knocking her over.
Suddenly I am pushed against the wall and Regina stands in front of me.

"In that case." She says then shoves her hand in my chest pulling out my heart. I fall to my knees as she laughs.

"You've done that before." I gasp, then I quickly pull out a dagger and shove in deep into her leg. Regina falls to the ground in pain as I pull it out and grab my heart that she dropped before it hit the ground. "In case you're forgetting, only one person will ever hold my heart, and thanks to you, he's dead." I shove my heart back inside my chest. "Oh and you're lucky I didn't coat that dagger in Dreamshade. Don't worry, the next one is."

Just as Regina stands up Snow puts her in a chokehold and through the bars David makes Regina drop her sword. Regina then slams Snow against the bars and slightly limps over to Neal.

"My, my, aren't you a good sleeper." Regina says.

"You think the spell has made me angry? Do not wake my baby!" Snow yells the last part then charges at Regina and they both roll over a desk. Snow throws Regina into another desk then into glass shattering it. Regina turns around and flings Snow back with magic. They run at each other again and I appear sitting on a desk beside them. Raise my hand and Snow hits David's cell bar's.

"Honestly you guys are like children. And Regina that dress is horrible, I just had to say that." I say.
I push Regina against the wall. Quickly I turn around and doge as Snow charges me with her sword.
I slam her against the other wall and hold a dagger to her throat.

"You took everything from me. Your all the reason Peter is dead, why the father of my child is dead!" I scream in her face pressing the dagger to her throat not yet drawing blood. "So, tell me, where's my happy ending?"

Suddenly I wind came through, meaning they broke the spell. Everyone started laughing, except for me. I slowly brought my hand down and just walked out.
I ran to Granny's and up to my room. And called my Shadow. I needed someone because what I did back there and what I said, I wasn't fully under the spell, it was more me than the spell.
Soon my Shadow returned with my joy, Jane. I held her close and sat on the bed. She smiled up at me.

"How's my girl. Don't worry, I promise I'll get your farther back." I say and kiss her forehead.

(If you think of a girl name I could use for the baby you can tell me.)

The next eight weeks I don't really talk with any of the "Hero's" I just spent time with Jane along.

I was telling Jane stories of Peter Pan when I hear a knock at my door.

    "Who is it?" I call.

    "(Y/n) it's me, am I allowed in?" The voice belonged to Hook.
I pick up Jane and then stand up, I walk to the door and unlock it. Hook comes in and his eyes are drawn to Jane.

I smile. "Oh, this is Jane. My daughter."

    "You have a child?" Hook says in shock.

    "Yeah. Also Golds half sister, a little weird when you think about it." I laugh slightly. "She'll be two soon."

"She's beautiful." Hook smiles at her.

"Any way what's the problem this time?"

"We found the Author, he's with Gold. We need to stop him before..." I turn around to put Jane on the bed. The moment I set her down I black out.

Peter Pan, True Love // Peter x Y/n // OUATWhere stories live. Discover now