15 The Spell Of Shattered Sight

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The next day I am called to the clock tower which once again I was the last to arrive. Even Emma was there which meant that everyone made peace and she excepted who she is.
This time everyone was looking out at approaching blue sparkling clouds.

    "The Spell of Shattered Sight." Snow whispered and passed some binoculars to David.

    "We open the mines and the vaults, we take shelter there." David suggests.

    "This is magic. It doesn't care about ceilings. It's started." Regina says.

    "How long?" Hook asks.

Regina takes the binoculars and looks at the clouds. "By sundown. By sundown, everyone in this town will start tearing each other apart."

    "Okay. The answer is simple. Let's not be in town." Emma says and with that we all go to the Ice Wall.
We stand in front of it as everyone offers ideas or thoughts of what to do. David got a rope and a pickaxe and walked to the Wall but the moment he hit it more ice grew and he fell backwards.

   "Well that worked." I laugh.

    "You got a better idea kid?" Regina says to me, everyone else runs forward to help David up.

    "I'm older than you, I just look better."

Elsa bends down and picks something out of the snow and Emma quickly rushes Elsa away from the Wall.

    "Glad you found it, but sentimentality is not worth risking your life over." I hear Emma say to her.

    "It's a sign, Emma. A sign we're gonna win." Else hope's.

    "Is everyone into this hope thing now?" Regina says.

    "I'm more into belief myself." I smile and Regina ignores me.

    "If we're gonna win, we need to stop wasting time. Mom, Dad, Leroy, go tell everyone what's going on. When this goes down, everyone needs to be separated from their loved ones if they don't wanna hurt each other. Killing, go to the waterfront. See if we can use boats to get some people out." Emma orders.

    "I have to warn Robin Hood. His camp's not far from here." Regina tells her.

    "Okay, go. Elsa and I are gonna talk to Gold, see if he has any ideas. Henry, you come with us..."

    "No. He's with me. I'm his best chance." Regina rejects.

    "That might not be true. Emma and I, I think we're immune. Same as (Y/n)." Elsa says and Regina turns to me.


    "These ribbons. If the Snow Queen wants us to be her sisters, then the curse won't affect us." Emma and Elsa show their yellow ribbons around their wrists.

    "So I should definitely watch Henry." Emma says.

"No. You're a part of this. And what about (Y/n) you don't have some magic ribbon." Regina says.

"I don't have anyone here I care about and I'll be fine as long as no one provokes me." I say.

"It's ok, mom. I'll be fine with her." Henry says to Emma. She gives him a hug.

"We gotta go. This is happening now." Regina says looking up at the sky then her and Henry go off.

"Oh, (Y/n) you can.."

"I will watch after Snow and David if you don't fix it in time." I interrupt her and walk back to the sheriff's office.

After a while I make it back. No one was there so I just sat back in a chair.
The only noise was the ticking of the clock. Suddenly I hear the door slam which made me jump. I turned to see Snow with her baby and David come in.

"You couldn't find a way?" I ask.

David shakes his head. Not long after they arrived Emma, Elsa, a boy and a girl with red braided hair who I guess is Anna come in.

"Mom. Dad. We're running out of time. You said you had a plan." Emma says walking over to them.

"Kristoff?" David says.

"David!" The boy responds who I suppose is kristoff.

"You cut your hair!" David goes in for a hug.

"So did you!"

"I see you brought your lovely fiancée, Joan?" David addresses Anna.

"Joan?" Kristoff questions turning to her.

"It was a code name." She smiles. "David I like your short hair. Not that I didn't like it long or that I thought it was... it's good to see you."

"Likewise." David says. "And this is my wife, Snow, our son, Neal, and our daughter, Emma."

"Wait. What? How can she be your daughter?" Anna asks very confused.

"It's a long story." Emma says. "Once we survive this curse, I'll be happy to tell you all about it. The plan what's the plan?"

"Yeah, this is all very heart warming reunion but time is running out." I shake the keys.
Snow and David walk over to the jail cells.

"You and Anna and Elsa are the only ones immune. So, the rest of us need to protect ourselves." Snow says to Emma.

"Hey, you might wanna try that desk, old friend. It's sturdy. Cuff keys are in the top drawer." David tells kristoff. I walk over to David and lock his cell door as Elsa handcuffs Kristoff to the desk.

"Take Neal Emma." Snow says.

"I don't know what's gonna happen. I don't know how long it's gonna last. I don't know what's gonna happen to me. I mean, what if you starve to death in there..." Emma freaks out seconds away from crying.

"No, Emma, you're gonna fix things. And then you're gonna come back and save us."

"You think."

"We believe in you." David tells her.

Emma takes Neal.

"Now, you know Henry's in a safe place, and Regina and the others can take care of themselves." Snow tells her as I lock her cell. "We don't fear your magic Emma. It's what's going to allow you to take on this Snow Queen and win. We trust you. And Henry's right. You are special. And you are going to use that specialness and save us. Both of you."

We hear the rumbling of thunder.

"You have wonderful parents, Emma." Else says.

"I know." Emma says nearly crying.

"Swan, a word." Hook asks as he stands in the doorway.

"Elsa, can you hold my brother?" Emma asks.

Elsa rushes forward and gently picks up Neal. "Yes, of course." Elsa walks over to Snow to let her say goodbye.

Soon Emma comes back and picks up Neal as more thunder rumbles.

"Here it comes." Snow says through tears.

The lights flicker slightly as I hear the wind grow stronger.

I go and sit at the back of the room and I look up to see little mirror like pieces falling down even in the room aiming for our eyes. I watch as Snow and David pull their hands apart.

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