10 Curse

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I smile and step out of the bushes, Peter looks at me confused for an second but then is quickly changed to happiness. I walk over to him, and have a quick look in the well as green smoke inside.

    "My Lost Girl." Peter says looking up at me.

"You've done it." I smile.

"Your spell worked." He says.

"I would kiss you, if you didn't look like a child." I smile and Peter laughs.

    "Fair. Now they'll be returning me back to my body soon." Peter says.

    "Great so I have to go running around again. I just got here."

    "I know. But you'll find me." He says as the sun starts to rise.

    "Fine, enjoy the rest of your time in Henry's body." I say and run off.

I reach the town as the sun is fully in the sky.

    "Now? Where are you?" I question myself.
I run towards the direction of the clock tower. After a bit I turn the corner and see Peter and Rumple, Hook, Bae, Belle, Regina, Henry, Emma, Snow, David and Granny all stand frozen behind them. I walk closer and call out Peter's name, he turns his head for a second and Rumple pulls him in. I see the shine of the dagger in his hand.

    "No!" I whisper and start to run again.

I see Rumple lift back his arm before stabbing Peter's back, black smoke emerged from the two and Peter changed to a old man shaking.

    "Peter!" I scream.

Just as I become a couple feet away from the pare Rumple twisted the knife and they are consumed by a bright yellow light. When the light disappears Peter and Rumple are gone and the scroll for the curse falls to the ground. I fall to my knees as tears uncontrollably fall down my face.

    "No, no! Peter! Please no!" I cry out.

As the group regains their movement Belle falls to her knees as well.

I stand up looking at them, "Are you all happy now, you've done it," I say calmer then I start get louder, "You've taken away the one thing that ever cared for me. Oh then again why would you care, I deserve it don't I for trying to take your son's heart. Does it make me a Villain to want to save the love of my life. I had nothing, no one loved me! Yes I'm a Villain because my mother died when I was young, my father left me, and for six years I was treated like a slave till Peter came! So if that makes me a Villain to you then so be it. But I've never been a Villain, I've only been in love. And I have lost everything." Tears streaming down my face, they all stay silent.
I turn around and whisper one last thing, "I'll bring you back Peter, I promise."

Soon this purple smoke surrounded me.

I open my eyes and am back in Neverland.

(The next chapter will be longer.
It also may take a little longer for the next chapter to come out, I need to rewatch the next couple episodes and seasons to see when it is right to add Y/n in. but I will try my best to get it out as soon as possible.)

Peter Pan, True Love // Peter x Y/n // OUATWhere stories live. Discover now