4 Baelfire

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After a bit I feel better so I get out of bed and walk. The Lost Boys talking. I see Henry sleeping by a tree. I walk over to him and sit down.

"Having a good sleep?" I say.
Henry wakes up a bit startled.

"Don't worry I won't hurt you." I say and he sits up.

"My family will stop you." He says bravely.

"Well nice to meet you too. And if your family is planning on stopping someone from saying I won't hurt you then they can go ahead." I smile down at him.

    "Sorry." Henry said to me.

"Catch." I turn around to see Peter saying that before throwing an apple at Henry, it lands in front of him.

"I don't like apples." Henry responds as he looks up at Peter, who now stands in front of him.

"Who doesn't like apples?" Peter says.

"It's a family thing." Henry said.

"Interesting." I say as I stand up.

"Well, don't worry. They're not for eating," Peter knelt down so he was at Henry's level, "It's for a kind of game."

"A really fun game." I add.

Peter pulls out a crossbow and points it at Henry, "I call it target practice." He says as I smile.
Peter stands up and steps back. I go over and offer my hand to Henry. I pull him up and walk over to Peter. We see Peter dipping the tip of the arrow in a bottle of Dreamshade.

    "What's that." Henry asks referring to it.

    "Dreamshade. It's a nasty poison. We have a story here about a man who once shot an apple off his Son's head with an arrow," Peter puts the arrow in the crossbow, "Let's find out if it's possible."

    "If you're shooting at the apple what's the poison for?" Henry asks.

    "Motivation not to miss." Peter says as I put my hand on Henry's shoulder before walking beside Peter.

    "Felix! Get over here!" Peter calls and the tall messy haired blonde boy walks over.

    "Is Felix good? Is his aim good?" Henry stutters.

    "Doesn't matter," Peter hands the crossbow over to Henry, "You're the one doing the shooting."

    "I don't want to shoot." Henry stammers as he takes the bow.

Peter tosses the apple to Felix. Felix backs up so he is a good distance across from Henry as he puts the apple on his head.

All the Lost Boys start to chant, "Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!"
I stay silent though and keep my eyes on the arrow as he aims the crossbow at Felix.

    "You won't hit him. Trust yourself. Go on! it's exhilarating!" Peter tells Henry as we back up to stand with the other Boys, they continue chanting even Felix and Peter starts to join in. Peter holds out his arm and everyone stops chanting and go silent as Henry aims at Felix. But quickly turns, aiming at Peter releasing the arrow. My reflexes react.
I look over at Peter and see the arrow an inch from his chest, his left hand holding the arrow near the tip and my left hand holding the end of the arrow, touching Peter's hand. I release my grip on the arrow as Peter keeps holding it and slowly lowers his hand. The Lost Boys cheer and laugh as Henry stares in amazement.

    "I told you it was exhilarating." Peter says smiling as he walks over to Henry and takes the crossbow out of his hands, "Come on. I have something to show you."

Peter and Henry walk a bit. I watch as Peter talks about Neverland, I see them sit down on a rock.
I walk off and go into mine and Peter's hut. I make sure nobody is looking not like they would anyway. If Peter caught anyone looking in the hut while I was in there the punishment would not be pretty.

Peter Pan, True Love // Peter x Y/n // OUATWhere stories live. Discover now