13 Ice Cream Truck

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I am the las one to arrive, everyone else was there looking at a small TV.

"So what's going on?" I ask.

"Just be quiet and watch." Emma said and pressed play.
I watch but I notice Rumple staring at me the whole time. I ignore him and watch the tape. It's an old video of Emma but rate and the end a woman takes the camera and that woman was the Snow Queen

"Emma, that's you. You must be..." Snow said.

    "Thirteen, maybe 14." Emma answered.

    "Are you missing the part where she's with the Snow Queen? Emma, you knew her before you came to Storybrooke?" Regina asked.

    "Apparently, my run-in with her in town wasn't the only memory she erased. All this time in this foster home, or whatever that place was, it's gone."

    "Look, I just don't understand how she even ended up in this world." Belle asked.

    "We were hoping Gold could tell us that. You spent more time trying to get here than anyone. How the hell did she do it?" Emma asked turning the Rumple. He breaks his stair at me and looks at Emma.

   "Considering the time I spent on the same task, I'd love to know." Rumple tells her.

    "Does it really matter how she got the Emma? I mean, shouldn't we be more concerned about why?" David wondered.

    "She needed her for something. But what?" I add.

    "That's our next problem." Regina said.

    "Well, we know she's hiding somewhere in the North Woods. We combed every inch of her shop, we tore apart her house. She must have cleared everything out days before." David told everyone.

    "Which means she must be hiding something." Hook added.

    "But where?" Emma said not really expecting an answer.

    "What about her ice cream truck?" Henry says walking forward.

    "Whoa. Snow Queen has an ice-cream truck?" Emma asked as everyone looked at him.

    "I'm a kid. I notice these kind of things." Henry shrugs.

    "Then we split up into groups, we search the town, the woods. Hook, Regina, Emma, (Y/n), you take the West. Gold, you're with me for the East." David ordered.

    "I think we all know I work best alone." Gold said.
I was glad to not be partnered with him or even be near him unless he is dead.

    "No time to argue that." David told him. "Belle, how are you at tracking?"

   "Uh, actually, I think I'll be more helpful at the library. Maybe I can dig something up on the Snow Queen." Belle kindly declines.

    "I'd like to come with you, Belle, if that's okay. Maybe something about my sister will be there, too. Unless, you'd rather not have the company." Elsa asks her standing up out of her chair.

    "No, not at all. I would love some." Belle kindly accepts and the two of them walk out of the crowded room, with Rumple fallowing behind.

Shortly after me, Regina, Hook and Emma started searching the west and surprisingly we found the old gray ice cream truck quite quickly.

"David, call off the search party. We found the truck near the Merry Men's camp." Emma says to her phone then puts it away and talks to the Merry Men. "Thanks for keeping an eye out."

"Gladly. You're the sheriff I don't mind assisting." Says who I now know is Robin.
Emma, me, Hook, and Regina walk to the truck. We go to the back, Hook and Emma open the doors. Inside it was completely empty, the Snow Queen already cleared everything out.

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