𝟢𝟢𝟧. white dresses

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──────────── this love

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──────────── this love.
𝟢𝟢𝟧.   white dresses

AFTER TATE ENJOYED the sunrise with Conrad, both of them decided to head back inside, but as soon as they did, they're hangovers really started to kick in. Jeremiah promised he had just the right thing to fix it, so he set to the blender to make his infamous 'hangover smoothie.'

Tate thanked him, but couldn't bare to be in the kitchen, especially with what he was cooking, so she chose to go upstairs and get a little more rest. Eventually, Jeremiah came knocking on her door with the green smoothie.

"How you doin', Tatertot?" he asked as he handed her the cup.

Tate groaned as she sat up. "Please, never let me drink again."

Jeremiah laughed as he sat down on the edge of her bed. "Noted."

Tate took a sip of the smoothie before she gagged and pulled it away from her mouth. "Oh, my God, Jere, what's in this?"

"Everything to cure your nausea and headache," he explained. "You have to actually drink it for it to work, though."

Tate groaned as she took another sip, before she turn back toward Jeremiah. "How'd you come up with this anyway?"

Jeremiah shrugged, "Last summer Conrad fell really heavily on alcohol. So, whenever he had a hangover I just whipped something in the blender and low and behold, he was feeling like a million bucks later."

Tate nodded as she took another sip. "I hope you're right, because this tastes like absolute shit."

Jeremiah laughed before he gazed around the room, before his eyes fell on the debutante invitation on the girl's bedside table. "You haven't filled it out?" he asked, reaching for it.

Tate shook her head, "I thought about it a little this morning, but after there was still a lot going on, and I was recovering from getting socked in the face."

Jeremiah laughed again. "What were you going to say?" he asked, turning toward her.

Tate shrugged as she gazed between him and the piece of cardstock. "Probably decline. I mean, the gesture is nice and all, but it just doesn't seem like me, you know?"

"Tate, nothing seems like you," Jere told her. "You're a new person every day."

"Exactly," Tate countered. "So what if I accept it and then regret it the next day? It's just a big commitment and I don't think I want that, especially not my first summer back."

"And what if you really enjoy it?" Jeremiah asked. "Tate, what does your gut tell you?"

Tate bit her lip as she thought about it. A huge part of Tate told herself to accept it. Change could be good, especially after a year away, and it would even given her time to get over Conrad. But the other part of her also told herself to decline, because who's to say she'll actually enjoy it?

𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, conrad fisherWhere stories live. Discover now