𝟢𝟣𝟫. are you sorry?

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──────────── this love

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──────────── this love.
𝟢𝟣𝟫.     are you sorry?

WHEN TATE RETURNED from her deb class, the first thing she wanted to do was see Conrad. She had been girly about seeing him all day, but even more gitty after seeing him arrive at the waltz lesson. The only problem was, when she returned, he was nowhere to be seen.

She bursted into is room with a bright smile on her face, but his bed was empty—made, but empty. She frowned slightly before pulling out her phone and texting him.

conrad 🐢
Today, 8:25 AM

good morning :)

i miss you.
Today, 11:28 AM

hey, are you home?
Read, 11:32 AM

Tate frowned slightly at his reading of her text, but still gave him a few minutes to see if he would text back. She smiled when the three dots popped up, indicating he was typing before they disappeared. They reappeared then disappeared and she finally gave up.

Sighing in defeat, she shook her head and stuffed her phone into her pocket before disappearing into her room to change. Once changed out of her debutante dress and into a pair shorts and a Cousins sweatshirt, she headed down stairs with a book to read outside, but froze when she saw Jeremiah and Belly peeking over the corner into the kitchen.

She furrowed her eyes and walked over to them. "What the hell are you guys doing?"

"Shh!" Jeremiah shushed as he pulled her into him. "We're watching the moms. They are so stoned."

Tate furrowed her brows before looking into the kitchen to see Marie, Laurel and Susannah walking around the kitchen and munching on a table full of snacks. "Oh, my God!"

"I told you."

Tate chuckles and shakes her head before Laurel catches sight of the teens. "Hey, our beautiful babies!"

"Oh, look at them! Oh, they're so cute!"

The three laugh awkwardly as they step into the kitchen. "Hey...."

Laurel pulls out her phone, reading a text message while Susannah points at Jeremiah. "You, come with me. I got to get you while the light's still good."

"Okay, well, let's do that." Jeremiah laughs as his mom walks over to him and pats his cheeks before he follows her outside. Tate and Belly look at each other before approaching their mothers.

"Oh, what have you guys been doing?" Belly asks.

"Are you guys going into hibernation?" Tate asks, picking up different boxes and bags and looking at them.

𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, conrad fisherWhere stories live. Discover now