Chapter 1

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Outside of the witch's house, the two white witches glanced at each other.

The first white witch was perplexed. "Sara, how is turning Princess Lucia into a mermaid helping her?" She inquired.

The second white witch, Sara, was confident. "Cory, you remember Sandra, don't you?" Sara asked.

It was the first time that someone mentioned the name in years. Cory was still perplexed. She shrugs her shoulders. "Sandra was just another mermaid." Cory answered.

Then, the first white witch was puzzled. "Wait...why...?" Cory wondered.

Sara made a big smile. "Lucia does look exactly like Sandra. The lightness of her brown hair. The deep pink eyes. And her pink tail fin. If we see Lucia in her mermaid form, she might looked exactly like her." Sara replied in her explanation.

Cory was blown. Then, she was fiddling with her fingers. Cory was concerned. "I don't think we can see Lucia as the mermaid any moment today." Cory said.

The second white witch blinked her eyelids twice. Sara was confused. "How's that?" She asks.

Cory shrugged. "I may have done something else with the spell we casted on the princess." She answers with her nervous smile.

Sara was still confused. "Like what?" She wonders.

Cory clears her throat. "I gave her gills." She confessed in her reply.

Sara was fearful. Her eyes are wider in horrified expression. "YOU WHAT?!" She shrieked.


Down in the ocean floor, Princess Lucia checks out her surroundings to the unknown world.

Everything in the sea background has the mixed of blue and green. The sands are the two colors of creamier yellow and grey. Some parts of the sea floor have seagrass. And some have different shapes and colors of corals. No sign of the fishes, dolphins and even other sea animals in the area.

She was in the deserted underwater place.

The princess looks at her mermaid form with worry.

Her tail fin has fish scales. The rose gold scaly tail fin. Her hands are not webbed. Lucia was glad that her hands are not abnormal to her new form.

She glances down at her chest. The princess feels like she was wearing a pink strapless jumpsuit without legs.

Lucia was worried again. She just becomes the mermaid by the two white witches. Yes, the princess is still a young lady, but she doesn't feel like one.

Just a random fish that got back in the sea for the first time.

Lucia sat on the sand alone. She looks out again in the open ocean. The princess took a deep breath. Although there's no air in the water around the sea floor.

She couldn't feel her own rose gold tail fin. The princess was new to be a mermaid.

How is Lucia able to swim if she doesn't know how to as a mermaid?

The princess was determined.

It was not too late for her to learn.

Lucia had her both hands on the sand.

She pushes herself up from the sands.

The princess attempts to use her tail fin hastily.

Lucia was astonished. She felt the weight of her mermaid form pulling her down.

The princess descends down. She landed by her back on the sand floor, making dust of sands in the process. "Ah." Lucia gasped.

The grain of sands sprayed on the princess.

She was annoyed. Princess Lucia wiped the sands off of herself.

She couldn't give up of learning to swim again.

Not all her years of experience in swimming.

The princess was on her bended rose gold tail fin again. Her hands are on the sand. "I have to keep trying. I'm going to find those white witches and tell them off to take away their spell on me." Lucia whispered in her angry tone.

It was her only mission.

The princess did try again to pull herself up from the sands.

After a few seconds, she falls back down again.

The more Lucia ascends from the sand floor forward, the more she fell back down on the sands again.

The princess groaned in frustration.

Lucia passes by the seagrass while she keeps making attempts to swim upwards.

At least the princess was relieved of not getting sand all over her.

She tried and tried and tried and tried.

When Lucia tries to pushed herself up from the sand floor again, she began to fall down longer than expected.

The princess was falling downward into the open sea.

Lucia was frightened. "Oh nonono! No!" She exclaimed. She waves her arms frantically while descending fast.

The princess tried to used her tail fin to stop falling but to no avail.

Lucia was in trouble for real. "Help! Please!" She screamed.

The princess was descended farther and farther to another ocean area.

Lucia gasps after her strength to swim was gone.

She shut her eyes, preparing to meet the darkness of the trench.

Before the princess was close to fall into the dark ditch of the sea, there was another mer-person coming to her rescue.

The cerulean merman catches her in bridal style in his arms.

He ascended away from the pitch black trench.

The merman had brown hair with vermilion eyes. His tail fin was cerulean blue. He was a bit bigger than her rose gold tail fin.

His name was Lucien.

He halted his swimming upwards in the open ocean. Lucien looked at her with concern. He sighed in relief that she just fainted.

Lucien made a sad smile. He goes to her left ear. "You're safe now, sweetfish. I got you." Lucien whispered.

He swam forward with her in his arms.

Lucien swims with his cerulean tail fin back to his family house.

Which happens to be the house out of seashells.

Next part soon.

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