Chapter 2

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"Oh Lucien, how did you find this mermaid?" The purple mermaid asked him.

He watches the sleeping rose gold mermaid on his bed. Lucien shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know, mother." He answered.

Lucien's mother hovered over her cerulean mer-son. She smiles at the pink mermaid. "She's so beautiful." Lucien's mother commented.

Then the purple mermaid smirks at him. "Admit it, you rescued her from Nero, did you?" She wondered.

The cerulean merman glanced at his mer-mother. Lucien was serious. "That cecaelia has nothing to do with her." He replied.

The purple mermaid was a bit surprised that Nero the cecaelia didn't find the pink mermaid.

Lucien was really relieved that he found her first.

The cerulean merman looks at the rose gold mermaid again. Lucien was pitiful. "She was all by herself. I saw her trying to get her tail fin working." He mentioned.

Lucien's mother was concerned. "That beautiful pink mermaid? Having trouble swimming with her tail fin?" She asks.

The cerulean merman sighs. "Yes. I saw her tried several times." He answers.

The purple mermaid let out a breath. She was flabbergasted. "Lucien, your sweetfish is waking up." She gasped, warning him.

The cerulean merman was sudden at the rose gold mermaid.

The purple mermaid holds her hands together, hoping that she's not hurt.

The pink mermaid flutters her eyes. "Mmm?" She muttered in her inquiry.

The rose gold mermaid's vision came from blur to clear. She sees the couple of fish people. The pink mermaid was stunned.

Lucien was compassionate. "Are you okay?" He inquires softly in his voice.

The purple mermaid was sympathetic. "It must have been frightening to fall like that dear." She comments.

The rose gold mermaid had to check her tail fin.

She still is a mermaid.

The rose gold mermaid was scared. She touched her head. "Oh my gosh! I'm a dead mermaid!" She exclaims.

The pink mermaid covered her mouth. She was getting upset, gasping for the moment.

Lucien wrapped his arms around her.

The purple mermaid held the pink mermaid's hands. "Calm down, dear. You're not dead." The purple mermaid reassured.

The cerulean merman holds the rose gold mermaid tight. "My mother's right. You're still in the big blue sea with us." He reassures.

The pink mermaid takes deeper breaths a few times. As she finally settles down, the rose gold mermaid looks at the two only mer-people. She was confused. "Who are you...?" The pink mermaid wonders.

The cerulean merman smiled sweetly at the rose gold mermaid. "I am Lucien. And this is my mother, Pearl." He replies.

The purple mermaid was happy at the pink mermaid. "And who might you be, dear?" She asked.

The rose gold mermaid realized that they knew nothing about her. Of course, they are being meet. She knows to introduce herself to her subjects and royals. Again, she was smart, confident and cautious.

As the mermaid, she's just shy, awkward and lost of words.

The pink mermaid made a nervous breath.

She reminded herself that she was under the spell. The rose gold mermaid doesn't know how to explain to the couple of aquatic people.

Lucien was concerned of the pink mermaid. "Hey, are you okay?" He wondered.

The rose gold mermaid was quivering. She has become a mermaid for one day and already meets a couple of mer-people. The pink mermaid was a wreck.

Pearl squeezed her both hands. "Don't be afraid. Just tell us your name. Things will get better eventually." She reassured.

The rose gold mermaid stared at the purple mermaid. She blinked her eyes once. "L-Lucia..." she stumbled in her answer.

Pearl was confident. "That's a nice name, dear." She complimented.

Lucia looks up at the cerulean merman. "I'm sorry...Back in the open seawater..." she sniffed. The rose gold mermaid made her crying sounds. Her tears don't show but Lucia felt it. "I thought I was done for..." She sobbed.

Lucien didn't bother for her reply. He shushed her for a moment. Lucien strokes Lucia's head with his right hand. "It's not your fault...You're just having trouble swimming..." he reassures.

The pink mermaid got comforted by the cerulean merman. No one has give Lucia so much ease before.

Back in her home castle, the villagers, the advisors and her father would just give the princess lots of difficulties. The only reassurances that she has is her mother and her twin brother.

Lucia closed her eyes and lay her head on Lucien's bare chest. "Thank you..." she said.

The cerulean merman was baffled. "For what?" Lucien mouthed, but he didn't use his voice.

Pearl touches her mer-son's left shoulder. She was smiling. "You saved her life, Lucien. Lucia can stay with us for as long as she wants." Pearl mentions.

The cerulean merman looks at his mer-mother for a couple seconds. Then, Lucien stared at Lucia. The cerulean merman was affectionate. "Mother, you always know what's best for unlucky mer-people. I can help teaching her how to swim again." Lucien declared.

Pearl grinned happily.

For Lucia, how is she going to reach her family if she can't swim as the mermaid?

Next part soon!

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