Chapter 13

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At the witch's house near the ocean, Cory and Sara enjoyed the sea breeze in the air.

They are satisfied.

Of course, Cory had a thought in confusion. "Say, Sara, do you think Nero and his army are still battling the war against the mer-warriors?" Cory wondered.

Sara was not concerned. "Yes, Cory. It looks to me that it has been going on for years." She replied.

Cory tilted her head to her right. She faced Sara. "The whole point of them fighting underwater was something to do with fish extinction?" Cory asked.

Sara shook her head. She was determined. "It's not that. Nero the cecaelia is part of the ocean world. It must be the other way around." Sara answered.

Cory was disgusted. "There's plenty of sea greens in underwater. And they're beating each other silly." She mentioned.

Sara chuckles in her confidence. "You got this right." She said.

Cory chuckled with her in her smile. She faces the view of the ocean. The sun was setting beyond the horizon. The light coated the seawater's surface.

Then, the two mer-people appeared on the surface. They even lift their tail fins out of the sea for a moment.

The cerulean and the rose gold.

Cory was dumbfounded. "Are they...?" She inquired in her whisper.

Sara glanced at her direction in curiosity.

The pink mermaid closed her eyes for a few seconds. She was taking deep breaths in the fresh air. The rose gold mermaid was relieved. She faced the vermilion-eyed merman. The pink mermaid was gladder.

The rose gold mermaid giggled lightly.

He grinned happily at her.

And then, the cerulean merman kissed the deep-pink-eyed mermaid.

They shut their eyes to embrace a passionate love.

They also hugged while kissing at each other's lips.

Sara was baffling. "The merman...kiss the princess?" She inquires.

And ultimately, Sara was delighted. "That is so wonderful!" She exclaimed.

Cory was excited. She waved her arms in the air to the rose gold mermaid. "Lucia! Princess Lucia! Princess, your true love broke the spell! I'm so happy that you're still alive! Sorry about the gills though!" Cory hollered.

Sara facepalmed in her perturbed look.

Lucien and Lucia stopped their kiss. They opened their eyes and went glancing at the two white witches.

The cerulean merman was perplexed. "Do you know those people over that house there?" He wonders.

The pink mermaid was despised. The princess furrowed her eyebrows. "It's the white witches! They are the ones who put a spell on me!" She replies in her exclamation.

Lucia swims on the surface to the two white witches.

Lucien was puzzled at the rose gold mermaid. "Um, Lucia?" He inquired.

Cory became more thrilled. She puts her hands together and placed her pair on her chest. "Oh the princess is coming to see us. How nice." Cory said.

Sara was emotionless at the pink mermaid. "I wouldn't get my hopes up for a moment." She stated.

Cory walked forth in the small clashing waves of the ocean. She doesn't care of her white robe getting wet. Cory waved her left hand at Lucia. "Hello, prin-" Cory tried to finish her greeting.

But Lucia jumped off from the sea's surface in the air. She was mad that she used her rose gold tail fin end to slapped her right cheek.

Cory was being hit by the pink mermaid. She was stunned.

Sara hides her little laughter in her both hands.

Princess Lucia was angrier. "That's for turning me into a mermaid! And made me become a fish for half a week, you ungrateful witches!" She yelled.

Sara shrugs her shoulders in her guilt. "We thought you would be a mermaid so you could reach home. We know you're a good swimmer." She reasoned.

The rose gold mermaid was upset. "I don't know how to swim like a mermaid!" Lucia ranted.

Cory rubbed her right cheek of her face. She was shocked. "Oh no." Cory said.

The princess was in distraught. "How could you two do this to me! I have not ever been so scared of my life! And now my family is gonna see me as a mermaid! I really don't know what they're going to think of me if they see me like that!" Lucia sobbed.

The pink mermaid hid her face, crying badly. Her tears have fallen so fast like raindrops.

The cerulean merman swam after the princess.

Lucien took her in his arms. The cerulean merman was resolute at the two white witches. "Now just look what you have done to her." He said.

Cory and Sara felt bad for Lucia. They thought they were helpful. It turns out the two white witches are horrible at it.

Then, Sara was solemn. "We have no idea the princess didn't know how to be one." She uttered.

The cerulean merman holds her tight. "And her family. I had to keep her safe from Nero." Lucien mentions.

The cerulean merman strokes her head with his left hand a couple times. "Where is her family?" He asks.

Sara took a deep breath. "Her father and her twin brother stay behind. Her mother is coming for Lucia." She answers.

The princess uncovers her face. She gasped in surprise.

Sara folded her arms. "Sandra. The queen. She's the actual mermaid before the princess and the prince was born." She said.

Lucien was bewildered. "How do you know about Sandra the Fearless?" He wondered.

Sara sighed. "Cory and I gave the king's mother the necklace for Sandra before the sweet mermaid was married to the prince. To turn her into a human being. Sandra is Lucia's mother." Sara replied in her explanation.

The cerulean merman blinked his eyes twice in his shocking expression.

The rose gold mermaid was astonished. "What?" She inquires.

Next part soon!

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