4. It's A New Day

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Scarlet woke up yawning. She stretched her body and ruffled her hair. She freshened up and pulled on a pair of black slacks and a white sweater Natasha had grudgingly leant you. When she entered the kitchen all eyes turned to her and everyone stopped talking.

"I know I'm beautiful no need to stare. Geez."

"I like her already." Tony laughed.

"So how long am I staying here?"

"Quite some time. Until we figure out where you came from. Friday couldn't find ay Scarlet Brookes in America. We even ran a face trace."

Scarlet sighed and picked up her phone as it dinged. She unlocked it and showed a notification. It read:

'Marvel character Drax is said to make his last appearance on the latest Guardians Of The Galaxy movie...'

"No freaking way..." she muttered

"What's the matter?"

"Drax isn't going to die."

"Who's Drax? Your boyfriend."

"What?! No! He is a character from one of your movies. I'm still getting live feed. Now I can show you I'm not lying. Look." She opened up an article on The Avengers and showed it to them. They were all shocked. She opened up a few more and showed it to them.

"By the way, where's Thor?"

"Asgard." Vision said.

"Oh hi! Nice to meet you."

"Hello." Vision replied in his human form.

"Are you guys done gawking?" Nat asked.

"Yeah.... I guess." Tony said with his mouth hanging open.

"Great! Now we just have to figure out a way to go home."

"Yeah..." Steve muttered still in a daze.

"You all are shocked and I suggest for you to sit down." Friday spoke up.

They all drank some water and sat down. To say it was awkward would be an understatement. Silence reigned upon them.

"Why're y'all looking like someone died? Look alive people!"

"This confirms the theory I have been working on! I need to go to my lab" Bruce spoke up

"Dr. Banner hi!"

"Hello Scarlet. I saw you yesterday." He smiled warmly.

"I was excited to meet you. Your..."

"The Hulk yeah I know." He sighed

"...work on thermonuclear physics is unparalleled."

"Oh that. Thank You. I'll go now. See you later" He walked, well almost ran to his lab.

"That was weird."

"Don't worry about it. He might be crying tears of joy for all we know."

"We actually have a meme about this y'know"

She showed it to them.

"That's cool." Nat said.

"So. I'll be hosting a party tonight."

"Regarding what exactly?"

"Celebrating the multiverse theory and the arrival of another being in our humble abode."

Clint snorted. "Humble my ass."

"Whatever Legolas. Girls get ready. Wanda, go out and buy some dresses for her. She doesn't even have her own clothes."

"Come on let's go!"

"Can't i come?" Pietro asked.

"No. It's a girls trip to the mall. Nat you have to come. Tony give me your card.'

"Hey! When I said buy a dress, I didn't mean it with my money."

"You have a black card. Its unlimited." Nat said monotonously.

"Let's go. I have it." Nat said.

"Wait how?! You know what, I won't even ask now. It has happened too many times to count."

Scarlet was watching all of this with an amused smile.

"Why are you smiling beautiful?"

She blushed. "It's nothing. You all look like a  big happy family. It's cute."

"You know what else is cute?"



Scarlet blushed again. "Come on guys. We are getting late." She walked well, almost ran away.

"Cute." Pietro smiled and muttered.


Wanda took Scarlet and Nat to a variety of shops. They shopped all day.

"I'm hungry." Scarlet said at last.

"Me too. Let's go to KFC"

They ate a few burgers and resumed their shopping spree. Nat took Scarlet to Chanel.

"Woah... Chanel. Why don't we try somewhere else?"


"It's too costly."

"You do know we have a black card right?"

"Yes but..."

"And we are the Avengers?"

"Yes but..."

"And we have a lot of money?"

"Yes but..."

"Then let's go. No more buts. Feel free to buy whatever you want." Nat said with a tone of finality.

Scarlet sighed but followed nevertheless.

As the other two tried on dresses, she roamed around the store aimlessly until a dress caught her eye.

A worker noticed and approached her.

"Do you like this dress Ma'am?"

"Uhh... Yeah. It looks nice."

Would you like to try it on?

"Umm.... Sure, I guess."

"You look amazing!!!" The worker gushed

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"You look amazing!!!" The worker gushed.

"Thanks." Scarlet replied shyly.

"She'll have this."

They bought the dress and returned home.

"Thanks Wanda. Natasha."

"Call me Nat please. And it's no problem." Scarlet smiled gratefully and turned to the front.

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