19. Admiring the Floor and the Bolts

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After training for about 2 hours, Scarlet returned to her room exhausted.

She searched up everyone's abilities, strengths and weaknesses. She yawned, exhausted but persisted, continuing her work. She worked all through the night and eventually fell asleep with the laptop on her legs.

Loki saw light streaming from her room. Wondering what she was doing so late at night, he went to check up on her.

He smiled to himself when he found her in an awkward position dozing off. He put the laptop away, put her in a comfortable position on the bed and drew the blanket over her. He turned off the lights and smiled to himself once he saw her snuggling and left.


Scarlet woke up. She wondered how she had woken up like this. She shrugged it off and freshened up. Scarlet took the print outs of the information she had collected the other night and walked down.

"Here you go." She passed them to everyone.

"What are these?"

"Your abilities, strengths, weaknesses. Almost everything. Thought it would help you."

"You didn't have to do this." Natasha said softly.

"It's nothing. It didn't even take much time."

"She stayed up all night." Loki said.

"Who's talking to you? Go get a life."

"It exists only for you."

A series of Awws and Ewws echoed.

"How did the surgery go?" Scarlet asked Vision noticing that Wanda was present.

"It went well. Now how do we destroy it. We can't just laser it."

"Seriously are you guys children? Wanda destroyed it in Infinity War." Tony said.

"I don't want to do it. It creeps me out."

"Can I?" Scarlet asked, excited to try out her powers in real action.


Everybody walked to the garden. Bruce placed the stone a few feet away. The superheroes formed protective barrie son front of them and around others.

Scarlet closed her eyes and focused on the magic coursing through her veins. Once she opened her eyes, they were no longer brown, but a bright amethyst. She focused energy from both her hands onto the stones. It trembled and little cracks appeared. Bit by bit.

And then it shattered.

Everyone was thrown back. Scarlet rose first and dusted her pants.


That's how you do it."


10 days had already passed in a blue of training and preparations.

"Everyone. Get some rest. We will be leaving tomorrow and attacking the day after. If you have anything left to do, now is the last time." Steve said seriously.


*The Next Day*

"All ready? Is everyone here?! Let's go." Tony yelled

"Wait a minute. T'Challa is coming."

"I thought he couldn't leave Wakanda?"

"He decided he could come to save the world or whatever." Strange rolled his eyes.

As soon as he arrived, they boarded the spaceship.

"Ready? Everyone brace yourselves. Friday start the engines."

Tony piloted and the rest were either wandering around, talking, taking in the scenery or doing God knows what.

Scarlet lookes out the window and watched the stars. They were twinkling.

"What are you doing?" Arms encircled her waist.


"Darling, I can hear the wheels turning in your head."

Scarlet turned around faced Loki. He saw the same stars twinkling in her brown doe eyes.

"I'm just thinking about something..." Footsteps interrupted her. They jerked away from each other. Peter appeared in the doorway.

"What are you doing Mr. Loki?"

"I'm uhhh... I'm admiring the floor!"

"O... K. And what arr you doing Scarlet?"

"Me?" She pointed at herself. "I was just counting the bolts on the wall. They're five hindered and fifteen in total."


"You want to count the other wall with me?"

"No it's fine."

"You want to admire the floor?"

"No no. I'll pass." He chuckled awkwardly completely weirded out.

They both stared at the door and then at each other and burst out laughing.

"Oh... Oh my god that was the weirded and funniest shit I have ever seen in a long time." Scaet said wiping the tears from her eyes.

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