21. Killed and Revived

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Scarlet was transfixed by the sight in front of her. Steve lay on the ground along with Thor. Pietro stood over them with a strange gun-like thing in his hand.

"Bullshit." She thought.

"Yes indeed." Thanos topped using the Reality Stone. He was choking Wanda. Pietro disappeared but Steve and Thor were stirring and groaning.

Scarlet growled, "Leave her alone."

"Take one step closer and I'll kill her"

Scarlet conversed with Wanda through her mind.

"Wanda! Use your powers!"

"I can't" Tears streamed down her face. "Pietro injected some serum in me and Loki."


The rest of the Avengers appeared beside her.

"She still has a part of the mind stone inside of her. The very stone you destroyed."

Thanks picked up a knife and admired it.

"A pretty blade for a pretty girl." He smirked and stabbed her. Wanda's eyes widened and blood fell from her mouth.

"This wasn't part of the deal!" Pitro yelled.

"And now for the next one." He turned towards Pietro but people were already charging towards him. Thor cut his arm off but not before he stabbed Loki.

"The sun will shine on us again darling." Loki mumbled and dropped on the ground.

His eyes turned to the sky. Unblinking. Unmoving.

Loki's words rang through her head in a constant loop. They were the last words he had ever said in the movies too.

Scarlet screamed and dropped to her knees. She yelled once again. A purple bean shot out of her towards the skies. She started sobbing as the beam turned into a shield and enveloped Wanda and Loki.

Scarlet stood up shaking and trembling.

"Reverse the time." She said to Strange.

"We can't do that."

"Fuck that do it."


"I said do it!" She yelled purple energy surrounding her hands once again.

"I'll kill him. It's about time now." Thor growled.

Strange sighed but got ready. Thor adjusted Stormbreaker.

Strange opened the Eye of Agamitto and turned back the time. Wanda and Loki came back to life. So did Thanos.

But Thor swept his ace and cut off Thanos's head.

Scarlet ran and hugged Wanda.

"Oh my god. I thought you were gone." She cried

"I'm all right." She was soon enveloped in others hugs. Scarlet detached herself and searched for Loki. She ran. Searching for him. Asking any person she met if they saw him. But nobody knew where he was. She sat at a cliff's edge and sighed.

"Searching for me darlin'? Scaet wheeled around.

"Loki." She whispered to herself. She ran towards him and tackled him into a hug. They almost fell down but Loki caught her just in time.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" Scarlet pulled away and checked him for wounds.

"I should be the one asking you that." He smiled lightly. "Oh norns! You were stabbed. What are you doing here? You get yourself checked or towards the green man."

"His name is Bruce. And no I won't. I won't let you go for a single moment. This is all my fault. I won't lose you again. I don't want to." Tears cascaded down her cheeks.

Loki cupped her cheeks and wiped her tears away.

"I am here. I am right here. I won't leave even if you banish me to the underworld. You can't get rid of me even if you try." He said wiping her tears as they streamed own her rosy cheeks and her nose became pink.

"I love you."


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