15. Recruiting

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"When is he coming?" Scarlet spoke at last.

"In about 5 weeks time. You need to hurry if you want to save the world. And you won't like in the movies. Because by that time every single one you would be dead."

"Is he bringing his army?" Strange asked



"To the compound."

"Who told you about my past?" Scarlet asked

"Your 'Bully' Amelia."

"Bitch." She muttered.

His answers were getting shorter and shorter.

"Which stones does he have now?" Natasha asked

"Power Stone and Reality Stone."

"Where is the Tesseract?" Thor asked him gruffly.

"Asgard. He didn't take it because of Odin."

He slumped against the wall.

"Is he okay?" Wanda asked.

"Yeah. The stuff is quite strong." Bruce replied.

"So we have 5 weeks only. We nee dyo recruit everyone else tol. Go to Wakanda. We can destroy the stones too. Or kill Thanos before he reaches them."

"Let's get to work then."

"I have the nano suits ready." Tony said.

"And we are Not going for the Soul Stone. Tell Quill to keep Gamora and Nebula safe."

"Yeah. I don't think he would want her to forget him and then just kick in the balls."

"By the way, how did you meet him?" Scarlet asked Thor.

He chuckled and said,

"I was stranded on a unicorn planet with no way to go back home. They found me."

"What about Heindall?"

"Loki convinced him not to let me go home."


"So the recruiting... We'll divide evryone into 3 groups. Wanda, Nat, Bruce and Vision. Sam, Steve, Bucky and Thor. Loki, Scarlet and Peter. Everyone else prepare. We need it."

"Do we have to leave today?" Peter asked.

"Yes. As soon as possible. We don't have much time." Strange answered.

"Can we bring Harley too?"

"Sure. You need any help with that?" He pointed towards Peter's bag.

"It's all right."

"Underoos. Boss says that everyone's ready and waiting downstairs."

"I'm coming."

"Hey, you forgot this." Strange handed him his toothbrush.

"Thanks. I'll go now."

Strange waved.

"Bye dad." Pietro whispered under his breath. Strange heard it. A smile lit up his face and he whispered.

"Bye son."

Peter sat in the car and waved everyone goodbye. The car drive off.



"Yes love?"

"I have to tell you something."

"Peter called you dad? I guess."

"Yeah! How did you know?"

"I know everything honey. Tony kissed his cheek and moved away."

"What are you doing?" Steven asked as he backhugged him.

"Building up our defenses. And that wall Scarlet mentioned to Steve." Strange hummed.

"You sure you want to work? We could do some other things." He subtly inserted his hands inside the shirt trailing his abs.

"As much as I'd like to do this right now, I need to work. Shoo now."

Strange groaned and left. Tony chuckled and went back to work.


*Meanwhile inside one of the cars.*

Scarlet called Wanda and Steve.

"Hey Steve how come all the couple's are together?" Wanda asked.

"Oh Wanda... He just wants to be with Bucky." Scarlet teased.

"Cut it out. Where are you going Scarlet?"

She shrugged.

"Did you just shrug? Oh god. You go to Ajak. I'll bring Scott and Hope. Wanda you go to Wakanda."

"I want to switch. You go to Wakanda. The king is on good terms with you. Besides, I have experience."

She hung up.

"Cool then. Adios." Loki swerved the car to the the left on the route to South Dakota.


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