16. Ajak

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*A Few Hours Later*

They reacged Ajak's house. Scarlet immediately for out and ran towards the door. She knocked on it impatiently. It opened a few moments later.

Ajak now stood at the door with a coffee mug in her hands.

"Hi. How can I help you?" She asked with a smile

"Hi! It's so nice to meet you. I'm Scarlet and that's Peter and that's Loki." She pointed towards them.

"How do you know me, if I may ask?"

"I know you're the Prime Eternal."

"Come inside. Let's talk there."

Once they were seated on the sofa Ajak asked,

"So... How do you know me?"

"I'm from another dimension in which you are a fictional charecter. I got transported here. And there is a big time difference."

"Oh. So?"

"We have come to join us to fight Thanos."

"But why should I do that? You must know that we are not allowed to interfere in human matters."

"Yes. But everybody... Well almost everybody is going to die. Isn't that reason enough?"

"It is. But it's against the laws. I can't break them."

"You will." Scarlet showed her the clip. She continued until the part Ikaris betrayed her and flew away.

"Oh Ikaris. I reallyed him down the wrong path. I am sorry." She sniffled.

"Okay I'll come." She put her cup down and said.

"Wait really?"

"Yeah. Really. What's the use of letting the half die if they are going to come back anyway."

Peter stared at her.

"She means she doesn't want them to die." Loki clarified.

"But what about Arishem?" He asked.

"I'll handle it. Coffee anyone?"

"Yes please."


Scarlet looked at the countryside with the coffee cup kn her hands.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. Just tired." She ruffled his hair.

"You know you are actually a 26 year old person. But during Infinity War, you were 21. So, you're older that me."

"What?! That's weird. What's my name?" He asked curiously.

"Tom Holland. And you know what?"


"MJ becomes your girlfriend. In real life and in the movies too."

"Woah. Wait. You're kidding me right? There's no way that happened. You're making fun of me."

"No I'm not making fun of you." She laughed at the look on his face.

"How are you tired from drinking coffee? He asked her.

"Caffeine doesn't do much actually." She started walking inside and called out. "Come inside or you'll catch a cold!"


Scarlet tumbled off the couch and onto the floor.

"Shitt." She groaned and rubbed her side butt.

"Good Morning to you too." Ajak giggled.

Scarlet had slept on the couch last night after arguing with everyone and threatening to stab them with butter knives from the kitchen cupboard.

She freshened up and helped Ajk with breakfast.

"Did anyone respond?"

"Yes actually. Everyone's coming. J was honestly surprised." Seeing the look on her face she quickly said,

"I didn't contact Ikaris. From what you showed me easier if he caught wind of  what we are going to do, he will surely do everything in his power to stop us. It's better this way." She sighed.

"Okkk. When are we leaving?"

"Today. If you like. I told them to arrive at the compound. They packed up a few necessities and woke up Peter.

"Where's Loki?"

"He was riding the horse 15 minutes ago."

"Can I ride it too?!"


"Thank You!" She squealed and went to the stables. She took it outside and rde it for a while. After some time she took it back to the stables and gave it a lump of sugar.

"Sacrlet!?! You done yet!?! Oh that rhymed!" Peter yelled.

"Yeah! I'm coming!" She yelled back.

Loki was talking to Ajak about Asgard and space. Peter and Scarlet listened occasionally making their own remarks here and there. This seemed to go on for hours and they finally arrived.


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