22. Kisses and Laughs

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"W- What?!"

"I Love You Scarlet."

"Me Too!"


"Yeah! I love me too." Scarlet exclaimed laughing a bit. Upon seeing Loki's frown, her expression transformed into a serious one amusement still lingering in her eyes and her rosy cheeks proof of that. Loki grinned evilly and started tickling her.

"Stop! Loki! Stop!" She giggled.

"I love you too Loki." She stroked his face. "I love each and every part of you."

Loki smiled softltand kissed her. Slowly and passionately. Completely different from their previous kisses. They tasted each other, exploring, savouring the moment while it lasted, cherishing each other and holding on as if they would never let go. They broke away panting from their kiss, a string of saliva connecting their lips.

They smiled.

"Come on Romeo and Juliet we gotta go and get off this godforsaken planet."

"There are gods who are still here."

"It will be soon." Sam rolled his eyes.

They walked hand in hand. But Loki pulled her back.

"Scarlet? I have a question to ask you..."


"Would you give me the honour of courting you?"


"I mean you can say no if you... Wait what?!"

"I said yes."

"Thank You." He lightly kissed her hand. Scarlet blushed.

"When did this happen?" Sam asked with narrowed eyes.

"A few months ago."


"So can anybody tell me what happened?" Scarlet asked once they reached and were settled inside the ship.

Ajax started. "Thanos spoke to Ikaris about what we were planning to do. Ikaris in turn brought the deviants here by means I don't know."

"Oh... How did Pietro come here?"

"Well you see I sneaked into your ship."

"What are you doing here?" Purple magic encircled her hands.

"I was being mind controlled."

She grabbed him by magic and threw him out.

"You were conscious of your actions. You knew what you were doing. You agreed to it. You did it willingly!" Scarlet shouted and lifted him up in the air.

"You killed Wanda! You killed Loki? Your sister died because of you!" She spat and threw spheres of magic at him. Each sentence punctuated by a blow.

"I was being mind..."

"Pathetic!" Loki smirked at Scarlet's words.

"You couldn't come up with any other explanation?" Wanda asked.

"How did you go to her dimension?" Steve asked.

"Thanks sent me there to find out who you were and to bring you here. Someone informed him. Apparently that somebody told him you are his long lost daughter.... But that's not true"

"You're rotting in prison and I'm not thinking about Wanda this time" Scarlet stormed away. Loki followed her.

"You're so cute when you're angry."

"Don't do that." She tried to be angry but ended up pouting in the end.

"Don't be angry now." He pecked her lips. She smiled but his it. He pecked her lips. And again, and again.

Scarlet giggled and his her face in his neck. Loki stroked her hair smiling. She looked up and they pressed their lips together in a loving embrace.

"Ew guys. Go get a room. No PDA over here."

Loki groaned. "Just how many dickheaded superheroes are here?"

"I don't know. You tell me."

"Not you too!"

"Come on." Scarlet laughed and walked away.



It's so beautiful." Peter pointed towards the Earth and looked at Bucky.

"Jesus, can't you save it?"

"For the last time, I'm not Jesus."

"There's only one God Peter and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that."

"Wh- wha- how?"

"Steve, I've watched the movies like a million times."

"Yeah? Quote me." Clint said.

"The moment you step out of that door you are an Avenger."

" 'Nother?" She winked at Thor.

Loki decided to join the fun.

"I understood that reference."

"Another one." Clint asked.

"Don't give me hope..." Scarlet started.

"I'm sorry I couldn't give it to you sooner." Loki finished.

"Clench up Legolas."

"By the way Steve, did you say Avengers Assemble?" Natasha asked.


"I didn't hear it." Wanda complained.

"Me neither."

"Not me either and I've got super hearing."

Complaints broke out.

"Ok ok. Relax."


The room went silent. Steve snickered and pointed a finger.


"Hey! This happened in my dimension too!"

Scarlet showed them the video. Soon everyone was seated on a surface and watching Gag Reels.

"In my opinion Dr. Strange has the best gag reel." Said Scarlet.

"Are you challenging me?" Tony asked.

"See for yourself." She played the video. Dr. Strange leant back in slow motion and gave the middle finger. Everybody cracked up.

"And... We have arrived."


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