6. Training

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Steve knocked on Scarlet's door. It opened almost at once.


"Hey. I didn't expect you to be awake."

"Oh haha" She laughed nervously while scratching the back of her neck. "I don't like to keep people waiting"

Steve chuckled. "That's good. Come on we'll go on a run."

"Oh god."

They left the compound and jogged along the beach.

"You know..." Scarlet began.
"I've always imagined something like this but I never thought this would actually happen. And i have been meaning to say this but you are ripped.

He smirked, "Tell me something I don't know"

"Confident much? Well, it's not safe to have this place near the compound . You need to build a really really strong wall around the beach."


"In the movies, Thanos's ship crashes over here and causes a flood. So Dr. Strange had to stop fighting and start stopping the flood. He could've been a huge help,."

"That's mildly disturbing. By the way the people you requested are coming over tomorrow. " 

"Even the guardians?"

"Yeah. Tony sent a message to them."

"I won't even ask." Steve chuckled and they returned to the compund.

"You are not exhausted." He said a bit surprised.

"Meh. I go on runs seeing there's nothing else to do."

"I see. Nat will teach you self - defence till 9. Then you have to go to the lab."

"K. Toodles." She went inside the kitchen and drank some water.

"Friday where's Nat?"

"Miss Romanoff is in the training room waiting for you." The A.I announced and gave the directions.

"Thanks Fri." She walked over to the room and found Nat on the mat. [A.N That rhymed:))]

"Hey Scarlet. Come on."

"Hey." Scarlet stood in front of her.

"Do you know how to fight?" Nat threw a punch at her face.

"Yes actually." She caught it quite easily.

"You don't look the type to fight."

"I can be very menacing when I want" She smiled.


"I used to get bu.." She stopped herself just in time. "I used to get classes." She responded. Nat thought something was wrong but hoped for Scarlet to trust her enough to tell her.

"It's not that I don't trust you. I'll tell you when I'm ready. Now let's fight. I'm sure I can take you down. I really did take classes."

"We'll see."

They both grinned and charged at each other. Nat threw a punch and Scarlet blocked it. She kicked Nat in the stomach but she caught it and spun her around and pinned her between her legs.

"I won."

"Not so soon dear." Scarlet smirked and headbutted her. Nat staggered back and she grabbed the opportunity to grab her in a chokehold. Natasha unlocked it and kicked her face. Scarlet now not in the mood to play games threw a punch at her stomach, kicked her in leg and jabbed her in the back. Nat grabbed her and threw her across the mat.

Scarlet groaned. "Ughh. No fair. You have enhanced strength. I don't."

"You're good."


They both panted as they regained their breath.

"I don't think you need training. You can go to Tony's lab."

"Cool. I'll take a shower and head there." Scarlet left the room and headed to her room a bit. She switched on the shower and the cold water soothe her muscles. ashe dried herself pulled on a pair of sweats and went to Tony's lab.

"You're early."

"Yeah. Nat thought I don't need training."

"That's a first."

"Hm.nSo what am I doing here?"

"A few nights ago, you had a nightmare. I think. Purple wisps shot out of your hands, something similar to Wanda's powers. After that the footage went blank."

"Can you show me."

"I'll think about it. Ok fine I'll show you."

Tony played the footage on a hologram. It was kind of unnerving to watch herself on a hologram. Scarlet was lying peacefully but her expression changed and she started twitching. It was quite evident she was having a nightmare. She suddenly screamed and a burst of purple light shot out of her hands and the footage stopped.

Scarlet furrowed her brows.

"Play it again." They reached the part where she screamed.

"Stop. Go back one second." Tony stopped.

"Who's that?" She pointed near the wall.

"I don't see anyone." Tony squinted his eyes.

"Friday can you see it."

"I am sorry Red but I can't determine anything in the footage. I have been trying since the footage started but I can't find any results."

"I can' tell you anything either cuz I don't know shit."

Tony laughed but Steve yelled from across the compound.


"How in heck he hear that?" Scarlet whisper - yelled to Tony. Tony shrugged and Steve yelled again.

"I heard that too!!"

"So. We need to figure out your powers."

"Okay. What should I do?"

"I'll call Bruce."



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