7. DNA

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"Hey Bruce" Scarlet greeted him once he entered.

"Hey Scarlet. Hope you are comfortable inside here. This must all be very strange for you."

"Yes actually. Thanks for asking." Scarlet smiled.

"All right. Sit over there. I'll just take a blood sample nothing much.


Bruce extracted some of her blood in a syringe and loaded the test sample on a machine. It showed her DNA [A.N: hehehe *evil laughter* ;))] which was swirling on the screen.

"Your DNA is similar to Wanda's. The exact same but with minimal differences. You are supposed to have all her powers if I'm right."

"What are the differences?" Tony asked.

"Most parts of Wanda's blood are red, but Scarlet's are... purple. Amethyst, to be exact." Bruce explained.

"That's cool. If guess?" Scarlet said a bit surprised with all the abrupt information.

"That IS cool. I have to work some more. Your powers provide new grounds for my theory."

"Okay. By the way Tony... Where is Pepper? I haven't seen her around."

Tony froze at her words.

"She... I... Well we... Umm, broke up?" He said but it sounded more like a question."

"Sorry what?"

"We broke up"

"But... Why??"

"I... Don't know for sure. We aren't actually for each other."

"Ohhh. I'm so sorry."

"Doesn't matter. We are good friends now."

"That's good to hear. I'll just go. Need to make sure everything is loaded. Popcorn too." Scarlet said awkwardly and left.

Tony sighed and picked up his phone. He debated whether to do it or not.

Damn it. He thought and unlocked it. As soon as it opened the phone rang. Seeing the name he fumbled with the phone, wiped his hands on his jeans and picked up the call.



"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. You just scared me. I was about to call you."

"Were you?"


Another pause.


"Um. Can you come over today? Scarlet said there are a lot of movies to watch, probably gonna take a whole week or something. Also bring your UV glasses. I don't want you to hurt your eyes. Bring some clothes too." Tony rambled.

"Don't I already have clothes there?" He could practically hear the smirk through the phone.

"I forgot. But don't forget your glasses."

"Sure. I gotta go now. I'll be there in 30 minutes."

"Ok bye! Drive safely."



"Bye darling."

Tony was as red as a tomato when he ended the call. He walked down to the kitchen and grabbed some water. He started chugging it like there was no tomorrow.

"Tony are you okay? Why are you so red?" Steve asked.

"It's just hot over here."

"Sureee. And Steve someone is the matter. Not something." Clint jumped from the vents.

"Boss. The guardians and Thor are here."

"All right. Tell the others to come outside."

"Yes Sir." Friday replied.

"Where's Peter? I haven't seen him."

"Sir underoos was tired from the patrol last night. He's in his room with Scarlet."

"Hm. Make sure they're not doing anything. You know."

"Tony! He's just a kid."

"Of course he is! What are you thinking?"

"What are You thinking?"

"Cut it out." Steve intervened.


Peters P.OV


was arching my back trying to ease some of the soreness. My senses told me someone was coming.

"Hey Peter."

"Hi Scarlet l. What are you doing here. I- I mean you can be here but how did you come here of all places? I mean-"

"Relax. I was just exploring when I saw you. Is your back sore?"

"Yeah. How did you know?"

She just shrugged.

"Wait. Do I have my own movies?!"

"Finally someone who's not a halfwit." She said dramatically and we burst out laughing. I liked her. She was cool. She showed me some back stretches, I tried them and was instantly met with a wave of relief.

"That's much better. Thanks"

"You're welcome."

"Scarlet you are requested outside. The guardians have arrived. You too Peter." Friday announced.

"Oh my god!! Let's go! Peter you coming?"


"What are you waiting for? Come, come, come."

She grabbed my hand and we ran outside. The ship was just landing. Scarlet stopped and looked at the ship agape. All of us laughed at the look on her face but I quietened down once I was Pietro glaring intently at our interwomed hands. I detached them and stood by Mr. Stark. Pietro was never like this but I knew he liked Scarlet so I let it go.


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