8. Sanity will Always Lose

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Lost. When you're lost in your own mind, it takes only yourself to pull you out. Losing your sanity is the worst of it all. You crave freedom, you crave control. You crave yourself.

Losing someone you love, violently pushes you to lose yourself. There will always be a void. A gaping empty hole, big enough to let your beating heart fall out of your chest, splattering onto the floor.

It's numbing, it's painful, and it feels like home is lost. You're stuck in a constant area of nothing. Looping, and looping in circles, until one day you've had enough. But when does that happen? It happens after you've already lost yourself. You've already lost your happiness, your love, and your freedom of feeling emotions peacefully.

Humans live, humans go. Yet we only really care when it's who we know.

I watch as Rhea slowly loses her mind, and her heart. I see her facial features freeze, she's numb. I dodge the blonde woman as she tries to punch me. I push her against the wall, grabbing the side of her head, hitting it against the wall, knocking her out unconscious.

Unfortunately, I don't have enough time to get rid of the two. I need to get Rhea out of here.

I quickly trudge over to the poorly made fort, and pick Rhea up under her arms. She does nothing to resist. She just stares, stares at nothing.

I glance at Allen, blood runs down his chest. Shit.

I pull Rhea up to stand, she quickly starts falling. Dammit, she's not thinking clearly right now.

"Rhea? I need you to snap out of it, just for now. We've got to go," I mumble into her ear.

She looks around, tears drip down from her eyes. "Wake me up," she whispers.

I sigh, "Rhea, you're awake."

"No, wake me up, I don't want to be here anymore!" She shouts.

She starts hitting me. "Why won't you WAKE me up?" I grab her wrists, "RHEA, snap the fuck out of it! You aren't dreaming. Allen is dead. Now let's go," I yell, pulling her away from Allen's body.

She says nothing, just stares at me. She wipes her tears, and walks out of the motel door. No words, no sobs, no screaming, no resisting, just leaves.

I run after her, getting interrupted by a knife grazing my back. I groan in pain, quickly turning around focusing on a scrawny kid. Up close he looks 17 maybe 18.

I throw a punch, hitting his nose. He stumbles back a bit. He grabs a gun laying on a dresser next to him. He points it at me, while his finger turns the safety off. I notice a slight change in his face, hesitation.

I quickly grab the gun, pushing it to the side, pulling it out of his hand, and kick him to the carpet floor.

"One tip, don't hesitate," I suggested, shooting him in the knee. He groans in pain, "I'm gonna kill you," he snaps. I let a cold laugh out.

"You failed the first time, but feel free to try it again," I smirk, throwing him the gun.

He catches the gun, scrambling to his feet, while holding himself up, using the bed. He starts to lift the gun, but before he could shoot, my knife was to his throat, blood gushing out.

"Threats are useless, if you're going to do something, do it," I whisper in his ear, grinning.

I walk out of the motel room, noticing Rhea. She sits on a parking block, staring at the floor. When she hears my footsteps, she looks up at me.

Immediately she saunters over to me. Anger covers her face, while tears leak out of her glossy eyes.

"You," she spits out like venom. "Did you do this?" She asks.

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