38. Little Escapades

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Violent strikes of anger echo throughout my ears. I hear someone banging on the door. Just outside of the hotel room. 

Elijah jerks up immediately, he looks at me, scanning my body while checking for any error. He looks over to the door, frowning as he grabs his gun. 

Silent compared to the consistent banging, he walks to the door, checking the peephole. Alarming sirens go off as I watch his face scowl. 

He points at my new clothes, then me, telling me to put clothes on. He's snapping his fingers, warning me to hurry up. 

I stumble out of bed, rushing to put on a long sleeve shirt, and pair of jeans. By the look on his face, I put on my new shoes, granting the ability to run away. 

"I know you're in there," the familiar voice rings, "You really should've known better than to show your faces at a motel." 

My mood is spoiled at the sound of Gabriel's voice. 

The door begins to shake, each thrum against it, threatening to break. 

Elijah runs over, grabbing his duffel bag, and all of Kinsley's journals. I watch him scramble, taking things out of her box, looking for something. 

He relaxes for a second, taking out a charmed bracelet with the letter 'K'. 

His focus goes to my bags of clothes, he opens them, shoving everything into his bag, zipping faster then ever.

I rush over to the window, opening the blinds, and shoving the window open. 

We leave behind all of Kinsley's belongings, and I feel a sting of guilt. 

Elijah throws his bag out the window, jumping out first. He holds his arms out for me, ready to catch me. Just before I jump, Gabriel and his men break through the door, resentment scattered across his features. 

I jump into Elijah's arms and he grunts as we tumble down. He loops his hands under my arms, pulling me up and with him as he grabs his bag. 

He drags us down the street, and I run along him. 

The crisp morning air smacking against my skin.

We're zigzagging through each corner and street. People begin running from us, screaming at us. 

Their words echo throughout my mind. 




"They're here!" Someone yells, pointing at us. He looks over to the soldiers chasing us, "down there!" 

Mothers grab their children, men try to stop us, girls scream at us, inching closer to their friends. 

Our faces are everywhere we turn. 

Papers of the reward, scattered about. 

My feet are aching, his grip is burning. He pulls me close to him, our footsteps digging into the gravel beneath us. 

We turn right, left. Too many people. 

There are too many people who know us. Who are afraid of us. 

"Hey!" I hear. 

I whip my head to the left, seeing Liam, he's waving us over. I stop Elijah, dragging him with me as I run over. 

Liam runs ahead of us, guiding us elsewhere. We make it to a wagon, he barks at us to jump on as the driver pulls away. Last second, he follows suit. The three of us sitting together, hunched over from prying eyes. 

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