29. Carnival Games

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(TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains scenes that may disturb you and cause discomfort, proceed with caution)


Every single outcome.

Liam and I have gone through every outcome possible. From Gabriel having multiple plans to kill us, even Liam, to his parents hiding tricks.

I've learned more about his parents, how conniving they really can be. He's told me stories about his parents' partnerships, how they butter them up with booze and useless supplies, while they steal valuable goods behind their backs in the contracts they give out.

They make unfair trades with every contract they make.

Somehow, little Campbell didn't get caught when he found a booklet of every trade they've made. Every royal name of each kingdom.

Funny enough, I've recognized too many names mentioned in the newspapers and articles, their deaths, and how unfortunate each kingdom has become.

Alexander and Emery aren't just sneaky or murderers, they're serial killers. They bathe in the blood of too many royals, and I refuse to become another name on that list. I don't care what morally destroying decisions I have to make, I will get justice.

And revenge is the justice I see fit.

It's been two days since I was tortured. Bruises have formed around my lips horrendously. It hurts to eat and drink. Anytime I open my mouth to speak, it feels like my lips are being stabbed repeatedly.

The punctures are still there, reminding me of the pain.

Gabriel had visited me this morning, but it wasn't what I expected.

He didn't yell, he didn't hit me, or take any anger out on me. Instead he looked distracted, completely insane to be honest. Bags hung under his eyes, his hair was disheveled, and he hadn't shaved his beard, barely growing. It was obviously clear he hadn't slept in the two days since I saw him.

He just sat there, staring at me, he asked me two questions, and two questions only.

"When did Liam come to you?"

"What did he tell you besides giving you the files?"

I answered neither.

Liam has done me a great deal of favor. I owe him more than I care to admit, and I'm not putting him in more trouble than he already is.

Gabriel knew I wouldn't answer, but I guess he just wanted to make sure. He sat there staring at me for a while without saying anything.

When he was done analyzing me, he left without a word.

Liam has barely left my side since the incident.

I know it's mostly guilt and pity despite the numerous times I've told him to stop apologizing and feeling bad for me.

The boy has a heart far too big for his own good.

It's the main reason why he's helping me escape. I told him he could leave with me, but he's still hesitant. He's still attached to his home, and I understand why.

He's grown up here, everyone he sees is familiar.

And though his ridiculous questions annoy me, or the constant clicking he does with his tongue, or the repeated pacing he does when he tries to figure something out absolutely pisses me off, I still find his company comforting.

The only sense of familiarity I've felt in ages. He's too much like Allen, too comforting like Bellie, and too loving like my parents. It scares me how much he feels like my family.

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