14. A Caged Freedom

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Sunlight creeps through my eyes, as I slowly wake up. I feel a presence behind me, and a heavy pressure over my waist. Slightly moving my head, I see Gabriel asleep, while my hair covers his nose.

His arm gently lays around my waist, cuddling me.

I smile, feeling the comfort of him. The last few nights he's been sleeping at his other place, which I still don't know where. But, last night it was raining and thundering pretty bad, and was too dangerous to leave.

So, he stayed the night. He insisted that he would sleep in his old room, and give me privacy and space. But, I wanted to spend time with him. Not in a sexual way, although we made out a little. I wanted to get to know him, and I guess we fell asleep.

I lay my head back down and blankly stare at the lace covered lampshade, making out all the details, and shapes.

I listen to his breathing, it's quiet, but noticeable. I look down at his hand, feeling the need to hold it.

I decide against it, not wanting to be weird.

I look at the ticking clock, noticing it's 7:06 am. I wonder what time Gabriel needs to get to work.

I don't want him to be late because I didn't wake him up, but I don't want to wake him up too early, since he always looks tired.

Feeling conflicted, I sigh, lifting myself up and out of his arms. I leave the bed quietly, and walk to the bathroom on creaky, soundful wooden tiles.

After going pee, and washing my hands, I make my way downstairs, and into the kitchen. I go into the refrigerator, and grab the plastic carriers holding different fruits.

I rinse the fruit under the sink water, and shake the container to get the excess water out.

I take a bowl out and mix the fruit together. Once I'm done, I put all the containers back into the fridge, and make my way outside into the backyard.

I lean against the wooden railing, setting my bowl of fruit next to me. A shuffle starts next to me to the left, and I see a squirrel running down the steps and into the grass, disappearing moments later.

Straight ahead, I stare at a tree a couple feet away from me, an old rusty rope wraps itself around a sturdy branch, hanging almost all the way down, eventually leading straight into the middle of a smooth chunk of wood.

I hear chirping coming from the same tree. I look up higher, and see a few birds gathered around the branches.

I smile at the simplest view. A smile, holding an envious feeling toward Gabriel.

He woke up to birds chirping, meanwhile, I woke up to Bellie rushing me to a meeting or lessons on the proper ways, and rulings.

I feel envious of the smallest thing, and I feel guilty for it. I sometimes wish I had a simple life, where I woke up and had bills to pay, or a job to get to. Not a life filled with maids, and meetings for a kingdom, not a life of prying eyes, and guards with the eyes of a hawk.

It's a life filled with complete direction, and laid out for me till I die. Eventually, I'd have to marry, and birth an heir, for when I die, it'll be their turn to live a restricted and planned life.

There really is no freedom, not like this.

I've never felt this freedom before, this complete simplicity.

It's sad to know that I don't exactly know how to do simple things. I don't know recipes, or techniques to clean.

I barely know how to do laundry, and only because Allen taught me.

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