24. A Fool in Royalty

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I've been in a cell for what seems like maybe an hour or so. At least that's when I woke up. I could have been here for a day, maybe two.

Nobody has opened my cell door. I haven't heard a single noise except for the faint clanking of my chains. Heavy manacles sit around my wrists, with a somewhat long chain that binds them to the stone wall behind me.

I've tried exploring the small area I sit in as best as I could. It's pitch black in here, with a faint glow of light from the very thin crack under the heavy door blocking me from freedom.

From what I could feel, there is no bed, no bench, and no way of escaping.

The cell is empty, and cold. The only presence filling the room is myself and a poorly made wooden bucket to do my business in.

I've tried pulling on the chains, in case they were fragile, maybe even weak by some miracle.

I stopped after I felt my skin begin to form blisters.

For now, I've decided to sit against the icy stone wall, searching for more plans.

I haven't given up my fight, or my revenge. I will spill their blood, no matter how long I have to wait here, or sleep here.

This long hour has given me time to think of my parents, of their faces, and of their files. It's given me time to think of every way I want to deliver the Campbell's family's death.

I've noticed they've taken away my daggers, my boots, my hair tie, and my belt. Which is to be expected, they can't have any way for me to escape, or murder their precious guards.

For the first time since I've woken up, I hear a faint clack of boots, walking down the stairs, all the while getting closer to me.

From the crack of the door, I see light beaming brighter now. The door holding me here makes a loud rumble, as a guard opens the door.

He shines a lantern in my general area, realizing I'm awake.

Shuttering a quick glance to my bucket, finding it empty, he then retracts his steps back outside of my cell.

"Wait! What's the date?" I ask, shouting loud enough to echo.

I scramble to my feet, inching closer to the door, and for any information.

I'm gifted with no reply as he shuts the heavy door, followed with a rumble again.

I listen to his footsteps, counting each one until I hear nothing.

26 steps. That I can hear.

From what I could see, there is a hanging lantern right outside my door. There is hallway space to go left only.

Time passes by me, going in slow moments.

I hear noises again. Getting up once again, I go to the door, listening.

Multiple footsteps echo closer to me.

Gently, I step backwards, feeling each icy touch against the heels of my feet.

The door opens once again, but with three figures standing in front of me. Gabriel, Liam, and the guard from before.

The guard holds a tray in his hands. Gabriel nods at him, signaling him towards me. The man puts the tray on the floor, somewhat away from me. I look down and see bread, a small amount of oatmeal, and a paper cup with hardly any water.

"Eat," Gabriel demands.

I look up at him, "When are you going to execute me?" Surprise washes through me at the sound of my voice. I sound raspy and dehydrated.

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