20. Eager Instincts

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"Wake up," she whispers, "Come on Eli, wake up!"

"What? I'm up! I'm up!" I groan.

"Finally! I've been trying to wake you up for an hour," the curly blonde-headed girl exclaims.

"I'm sorry Kins, I was up late last night training, what time is it?"

She huffs, "6:03 in the the morning." "Oh shit! I'm late!" I half shout.

She nods, "I know, why do you think I was trying to wake you up?"

Hastily, I lift myself off my stiff bed and jog over to my duffel bag containing a few daggers, a pistol, and a new set of clothes.

Kinsley grabs a brown paper bag and lifts it to me, "here I made you a small breakfast, I assumed you'd be too late to make one yourself."

Appreciation and disappointment fill my mind and heart. She's younger than me. I need to do better, she shouldn't have to make sure I'm not late. No matter how tired I am, she is my priority. I should be the one getting up early, making her breakfast and lunch, not the other way around.

I hug her, "thank you."

Returning the hug, she replies, "you're welcome, I'm going to bed now, I have to train in an hour."

I roll my eyes, "you're only ten, you shouldn't have to train."

She shrugs, "it isn't the worst, and guess what?"

She moves her sleeve up a little, showing me her upper arm, "look at these guns," she grins, clenching her fist.

I chuckle, "damn kins, any more training and you'll be stronger than me."

She nods, "that's the plan."

Turning around, I put my hand-made breakfast in my bag, adding in a pair of training sneakers.

When I turn back to Kinsley, she's gone.

Out of thin air, she just vanished.

"Kinsley?" I call out.


"Help me! Please, somebody!" I hear her scream.

Panic flourishes through me, pins and needles prickle my neck and back.

"I'm coming Kinsley! Hold on!" I shout, starting off in a run towards the direction I hear her.

"Please! Elijah! Someone!" Her voice becomes muffled.

My pace becomes fast, reckless, and heart hammering. My legs carry me way to fast, but no thought runs through my mind except for my little sister.

"Hey! Hey! Elijah, wake up! It's okay, you're okay," I hear someone tell me.

"Elijah! It's alright," I feel a cold hand touch my arm.

I blink.

A woman, a frightened woman leans over me.

She stares at me with concern, as her hand rubs my arm soothingly.

"You're okay, you're at home," she whispers fragility, as if she's afraid to break me.

I rub my eyes, feeling a cold wetness around my eyes. Looking down at my hand, I see smears of tears glistening on my skin.

I look back to the woman, "Rhea?"

She nods, "it's alright, I'm right here."

Panic seizes through me, the fear of vulnerability strikes into my skin, through my nerves.

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