9. Snippets of Delight

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(outfits are at the very end!)



I am feeling great today. I have a date, or at least I hope it is. Rhea is her name, the girl I rescued that night. I know the situation was bad, but I'm glad I got to meet her. If I hadn't recognized her, I would've walked right past her. Just another stranger, leaving my favorite café. Indicating someone has the same taste in drinks as I.

I would've walked past a beautiful woman. I'd give her a double glance, just because her beauty radiates, but I'd never have the courage to say hi.

I guess the universe works out in weird ways. It excites me, thinking I can have a chance in a relationship, or even just a new friend.

Working for Aepresea is boring and continuous. I'm the head of the night shift soldiers, and luckily the best friend of Liam, Prince of Aepresea. For all the shit I cause, Liam backs me up, always stirring me clear of my punishment.

I guess you could say, I owe him. Big time. Which I do repay back.

Liam gets drunk all the time, meaning I'm the organizer of all the work he has to get done while he's drunk. He does help out sometimes.

He deals with his parents for me, while I deal with the shit his parents give him.

I stand in front of a body sized mirror, staring at my outfit. A brown sweatshirt covers my torso, while black dress pants hang at my hips, held by a black belt.

"What the fuck are you wearing?" I hear behind me.

"Clothes?" I reply.

Liam lays down on the couch of my room, half lifting his head, looking at me through slitted eyes.

"You look weird, where are you going?" He asks.

"A date."

He jerks up at this, stopping for a moment to rub his head. "No fucking way. You? On a date? What the hell has happened to the world? Am I dreaming? I think I'm dreaming," he pinches himself, "OW! Nope, not dreaming," he rubs his arm.

I stare at him in disbelief, "You're such a dumbass," I laugh, shaking my head.

He flips me off. "What time do I have to be at my meeting?"

I look down at my watch, "in two minutes."

"SHIT!" He trips over himself, running into my closet, grabbing his pair of clothes, freshly folded for occasions like this.

"Hey jackass! Cover your ass! You're almost mooning everyone!" I yell after him, as he leaves my room, changing his pants as he walks.

I look around my room, a bottle of vodka sits next to the couch, with random snacks I assume Liam brought from the pantry room.

What a mess. I'm not cleaning that up, he can do it later.

I have an hour before I need to meet Rhea at the Lake. Which is perfectly enough time to get there, grab a few things for dinner, and set up a picnic for us.

I haven't felt this giddy in a while. Tireless days of shipments, patrolling, keeping my soldiers in line from being potentially exiled, and babysitting my best friend, I'd say this is the most excitement I've felt in two years.

Which is when I last went on a date, with my girlfriend. We broke up three days later.

I make my way out of my quarters, and through a small slightly decorated tunnel, finding the path to the train station, all the while carrying a handmade basket and a simple blanket with me.

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