27. Inflicting Torment

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(WARNING: This chapter may be triggering to some, take caution as you proceed!!!)


How could everything go so incredibly wrong, but so incredibly right within a month?

My head is dizzy, the room I sit in is spinning like a carousel, except the machine controlling it is broken, and the speed is nauseating.

There's an aching pain in the back of my head, as if someone stabbed my skull repeatedly. Except it wasn't a knife, it was a wall.

"Tsk, Tsk, I told you Rhea, your title gets you nowhere here," a voice coos.

I laugh, wincing in pain, "Are you sure? I'd say... that I'm doing just fine, considering I'm not dead yet."

"You always have something to say, don't you?" A hand grabs my chin sharply, forcing me to look them in the eyes.

A pair of brown eyes glare into mine.

"Are we going to kiss?" I giggle.

Gabriel's lip curls in disgust, letting my chin go.

"Aw, don't tell me you're still heartbroken," I pout. "As if I give a shit about you. You're nothing to me Rhea. Nothing. You're just a prisoner, someone who needs to be taught a lesson."

I blink my eyes a few times, trying to banish the aching and dizziness, "I'd say someone feels a lot more than what he's saying."

He doesn't take the bait, smiling instead, "How's your head?"

"Just fine, thanks for asking."

I look down, seeing two leather straps curled around my wrists as I sit in a metal chair.

I've already tried to force my arms and legs free, it didn't even move an inch.

Gabriel kneels before me, "How did you get the files?"

I stay silent just like I did the last time he asked me this.

"Did you kill someone? Or no, maybe you seduced one of them, thinking they were an easy target."

I grin, "You do realize that if I did seduce someone, then it worked. They got me the files. I'd say your team is a group of horny teenage boys, if it worked."

"So you admit it," he hisses.

"No, I'm just saying what you said."

His eyes glimmer in hatred. "One question."

I lean my head back and rest it against the cold metal chair. "No, I won't marry you."

"Shut the fuck up, and just listen," he snaps. I smile, "Well go on then, I don't have all day."

He sighs, "Why me?"

"Why you, what?"

"Why did you seduce me?"

"I didn't."

"Yes you did," his jaw clenches. 

"Do you think I planned to be kidnapped, and then saved by you?" I look him in the eyes.

"I had no fucking clue who you were," I continue.

He stares at me, bewildered. But his eyes are still in a trance of betrayal. He doesn't trust me, and I understand why. I wouldn't either. But, he didn't give me a chance to explain.

"Such a liar, as always."

I scoff, "Believe whatever you want. I don't give a flying fuck, but you won't figure out how I got the files, or how I know everything I know. So don't waste your time, send in your torture buddies, let them slam my head against some more things, let out your anger, I don't give a shit. But you won't get anything."

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