45. The Pits of Hell

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(Check the end of the chapter for their outfits!)


My body is trembling with nerves, my stomach is in knots, and I can't find a fucking dress.

It's like every gown I've ever owned isn't queen worthy, it isn't fit for a ruler, and hardly for declaring war on a kingdom.

My wardrobe is a mess, there's rich tones of colored fabric scattered on my floor. I have only five hours until it's eight o'clock, and I have to be in front of eager eyes and mouths, wanting me to be as calm and fierce as I was that day on the podium.

Royals of different families and generations will be attending to watch me, probably make a fool of myself.

They're all older than me as I'm currently the youngest queen alive. I have to be as perfect, as wise as them. But yet I can't find a single fucking dress that shows my value to this kingdom.

I huff in frustration, dropping myself to the ground, a pile of dresses underneath me. I look around, my eyes fall to myself in the mirror. My hair is nowhere near elegant, and my eyes look exhausted.

I look like shit.

A knock sounds around the corner. "Can I come in?" I hear Elijah ask.

"Come in!" I call out.

I hear my bedroom doors open, footsteps follow until I see Elijah turn the corner, staring at me.

His eyes search the room, wide eyed.

"Are you always this messy?"

I frown, glaring up at him, "Shut up."

He grins, "What's wrong?"

I look around, "I have nothing to wear, and I have to appear in front of the public and other royals in less than five hours! What do you think is wrong?"

He chuckles, his eyes full of warmth as he stares down at me. He holds his hand out, waiting for me to take it.

When I do, he pulls me up, dragging me out of my closet and into my bedroom. My eyes land on a black garment cover, draped over my bed.

"What is-"

"I wanted to pay you back for paying that day," he smiles, "and maybe I wanted to see you in something I picked out."

"You wanted to pay me back for buying my own clothes?" I laugh.

He shrugs, "I wanted to spoil you."

I grin, "I'm spoiled enough," I pause.

"But thank you."

He nods, "I can't wait to see you later," he whispers into my ear, kissing the top of my head.

I turn, placing a simple kiss on his lips, smiling up at him.

"Kick their royal asses tonight," he grins against my lips. I nod.


I look at the clock on my wall, 7:50 pm.

Ten minutes. I have ten minutes until I'm put on a pedestal for everyone to judge.

I look in the mirror, staring at myself.

My makeup dark, fiercely complimenting my features while my dress acknowledges my presence.

I'm wearing a wide ballroom gown of crimson red, shimmering crystals of flames are trickling up from the edges of the fabric all the way to my waist, while my chest is illuminated in velvet.

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