18. A Mind and Heart's Grave

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It's been twenty minutes of consistent looking, analyzing, and examining different files. Elijah and I split up the room. He took the left side, while I took the right.

The office is architecturally similar to my pare- my office, however, at the same time, it contrasts in so many ways.

My office has bright colors, is warm, has lots of sunlight, and familiarity in every corner. The Campbell's office is cold, dark, and foreign.

It feels like death snakes up the walls and right back down to sit on your chest. The air feels stuffy, as if there isn't enough ventilation.

I hate this place.

Maybe because of who it belongs to, or simply because the room represents this kingdom as a whole. The entire time I've been here, in Aepresea, I've had nothing but evil follow me, and a pressure to get out.

But I end up right back here. Going deeper and deeper, digging my own grave for my desire of what my younger self would call sins.

It terrifies me. How normal this feels, but logically my mind screams for me to leave, and never return.

Someone in my head says, "Get out. Forget it, your parents are dead. Allen is dead. Just be who everyone told you to be. A perfect, flawless, and gracefully beautiful queen who your parents promised to their citizens, when your mother birthed you."


Something, or maybe someone, whispers, echoes in my skin, and bones, "Hurt them. Get rid of the guilt. Live freely, and get that revenge. Breathe in the anger, and let it explode."

The little girl in me feels conflicted.

She's pure.

She's evil.

But she has always been me.

And I have always been her.

I hear footsteps at the door.

Quickly, I grab Elijah by his arm, and lead him to the side of the wall, right behind the door. We squish together, our backs flat against the wall.

The door opens, and without a look or a second of hesitation, I use my elbow and hit the person hard in the head. With a hope of knocking them out.

The tall man staggers forward, holding the back of his head.

Adrenaline runs through my veins, forcing any guilt out of my mind, while I kick him just above his calf, causing him to fall to the floor as a hiss of pain leaves his figure.

All the while, Elijah leans against the wall with his arms crossed, clearly having no intention to help me.

I huff as I grab the man, while having no clue what to do. I've never done this before, and definitely not in a dress either.

Clinging my arms around his neck, having no training in how much pressure I'm supposed to apply before he faints, or I accidently kill him.

The blonde headed man grabs at my arms, pulling them away from his neck. Terrified that I might be caught, I cling my legs around his torso, while keeping my arms attached at his neck.

I look down and see my thighs exposed, but I'm too occupied to care.

I hear laughter behind me, and I already know who it is.

I don't have time to scold him, I'm single handedly saving our asses right now.

The man bites down on my arm, and I yelp in pain.

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