26. Don't Ever Forget

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It's strange, having someone brought into your life just to be taken out so quickly. I didn't know Rhea long, but I did know her, and I thought she would be around longer.

I've come to terms with the fact that I did like her. Whether it was a big deal or not. It doesn't matter now.

I haven't seen her in two months.

I expected the royal guards to come and hunt me down, maybe even put out a warning to look for me, but no. Surprisingly enough, nobody has come to get me.

I've been steering clear of the palace, making sure to have no interference with the area.

Dal has been staying over a lot since the whole Rhea 'heartbreak' (is what he calls it) thing. It's a pain in my ass, I have to feed him like he's a child. Nala always lies by him, she's completely on his side.

The only thing he does is go to the grocery store, and buys a bunch of junk food that tastes like absolute shit.

He praises that the junk food gives him character, and the reason I have no life or personality is because I eat boring shit that tastes like rocks and grass.

He doesn't have a life either.

"Yes I do," Dal glares.

"No you don't. What the hell do you do? Eat, sleep, shit, piss, and workout? I don't even think you take a shower."

"I actually have dates, you boring old ass grandpa."

"Yeah, you have a bunch of dates, and bring none of them home. I haven't met any of them either, so they definitely aren't staying around to put up with your jackass."

"You're just sad that the one girl who could actually get close to you and not sprint away screaming bloody murder, is no longer staying with you."

I scoff, "Shut the fuck up, and eat your cereal."

"Go eat your grass," he flips me off.

Silence sits in the air, except for the occasional clinking of the spoon hitting his glass bowl.

I grab Nala's leash and she immediately jumps up, wagging her tail, and barking at me.

Her body sways side to side from the force of her tail. I smile, "You want to go on a walk?"

She replies with a series of barks, while jumping on me.

"Okay! Okay! We'll go," I chuckle.

After she runs around the couch a few times before letting me attach her leash to her collar, we finally make it out the door, leaving Dal by himself.

Which makes me terrified.

Nala tries her best to force my face to the floor because of her excitement.

I breathe in and out, feeling the air enter and exit my lungs.

The air is in between warm and cool, summer is completely present. Even in the night it shows it's heat.

I lift my head looking into the midnight sky, who allows a few stars to show their beauty. The moon reveals just the edge of itself, forming into a crescent. I squint my eyes, seeing darker spots on the surface.

The trees around me sway softly, in a quiet manner.

The streets are empty like an abandoned building. Dim street lamps hang over me while I walk, looking ahead further, I see a flickering street lamp.

Nala stops to smell anything she can find, occasionally sitting down to just stare at everything and nothing.

I find a bench and lead us over.

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