24 - The Isthmian Games

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Finally, the first day of the Isthmian Games arrived. Spectators sat on the stone seats, overlooking the grounds for the first event. The stone seats were on both sides, and at the top of one of the large carved stone seats, was a special throne-looking chair where King Sisyphus sat.

Their target.

The grounds contained multiple square platforms made of wood, each a couple of feet long on each edge.

The contestants stood off to the side, a long line of people all trying to win the games, either for the fame, banquet, or the treasure.

Either way, it would be a tough competition.

Ria, Melinoe, and Era all sat next to each other, watching Nikolas as he stood in the line with the other contestants. He was clearly an odd one out, wearing both a blindfold and being the only one with a metal walking stick.

One of the people next to him was a step away, while the other one seemed to be engaging him in conversation.  Many had given him odd looks as they waited for the games to start, much to the girls' annoyance.

'I can't wait for Nikolas to wipe the competition.' Ria thought. 'That'll teach them to send him dirty looks.'

'He's much stronger than he looks.' Melinoe inwardly stated. 'They shouldn't underestimate him.'

'This will be quite interesting.' Era watched. 'A little satisfying, as well.'

"All right everyone, quiet down!" A man loudly spoke, standing in front of the grounds. The stone stands fell silent as they realized the first event was about to start.

"Welcome to The Isthmian Games!" The man shouted cheerfully.

The crowds cheered.

The announcer cleared his throat as the crowd quieted down. "Before we start anything, let me explain the rules of the Isthmian Games for any who don't know."

"We have five rounds, each one a different event. Wrestling, Pancration, Archery, Chariot Races, and Musical Performance, in that order." He explained. "Half of the teams will be eliminated in each round, until the final one, where our judge, King Sisyphus, will choose the winner."

"As for our first event, wrestling, I shall quickly share the rules before we start." He stated. "A point is scored when one contestant's back, hip, or shoulder hits the ground, they concede defeat in a hold, or are forced out of the area. The first to three points wins."

"Now, who is ready to begin?!" He shouted.

The crowd cheered once more.

Ria shuffled nervously. Of course she believed in Nikolas! But she still couldn't help but feel that way a little. She glanced to the others to see how they were feeling-

"Why are you wearing that?" Ria asked.

Melinoe was wearing the helmet which they had gotten from the auction. "Sisyphus may recognize me." She simply stated.

"From here?" Ria wondered.

"Better to stay safe then take chances." Era added.

The announcer started to list off names two at a time, the corresponding men heading to one of the platforms, waiting for the event to start. Most of the people had been called, leaving only a few remaining.

"Bellerophoron, representing himself, and Atticus, representing The Attica II." The announcer stated.

A thin, young, but strong looking man with short black hair walked to a platform, followed by an older one with muscles, a beard, and a scar across his eye.

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