36 - The City Of The Prophecy

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Harold gasped awake. Sweat rolled down his forehead as he sat up in his bed. His shirt and shorts were sticking to his skin, and he had to take the blanket off to not get any hotter.

What was that feeling?

"Is everything okay?" The door to the room opened, Hilga, or as her true self known as Hestia, peered into the room with worry.

Harold hadn't noticed her, staring out into the distance.

"Hephaestus?" She asked.

Harold, or his true self as the legendary blacksmith god Hephaestus, looked over to Hestia, seemingly off-put.

"Sorry..." He sighed. "I had a strange dream. I'm trying to recount it."

Hestia nodded, giving him the silence needed as he closed his eyes and searched through the mess of his dreams.

"Shit." He muttered as he finally reached his answer.

"What happened?" Hestia asked.

"The necklace. It broke." Hephaestus revealed.

"That's...bad, right?" Hestia asked.

"It could be." He crossed his arms. "It's a strong little trinket. The only way it would break would be a strong enough physical force or enough magical power."

"Do you want to go after her?" Hestia asked.

"Why would I do that?" Hephaestus muttered.

"We both know how you feel about her." Hestia lightly smiled. "You may have hid it from everyone else, but..."

"I get it." He sighed. "Are you sure that's alright with you? I thought you wanted a break. That's why you're on the island."

"I'm not on the island just to take a break." She smirked. "Any idea where we need to go? The necklace was built so that you could follow the position, right?"

"Yes, it was." He nodded, standing up. "They're in the ocean, presumably on their ship. Retracing their steps..."

He closed his eyes, finding the broken connection to the necklace and retracing the path that had been recorded by the necklace.

"...it seems they're heading to Delphi." Hephaestus stated. "At least, somewhere near there."

"That seems to be too much of coincidence if they are the ones of the prophecy." Hestia worriedly muttered.

"Agreed." Hephaestus huffed. "Come on. Let's go."

. . .

"You're kidding me." Zeus glowered at the god who was standing upon his throne.

"N-not at all, sir!" Hermes nervously replied.

"You are telling me that nobody has made any progress on the group which the prophecy speaks upon? Not even Athena?" Zeus impatiently tapped his fingers.

"T-there has been progress!" Hermes replied. "Like I said, we found out that Hades has a singular daughter!"

"And as for where she is, or who she is with?" Zeus asked.

"Ah..." Hermes faulted.

"Ridiculous." Zeus angrily huffed. "To think that none of the Olympians can find out who they are. Don't you all see how pressing of an issue this is?"

"O-of course we do!" Hermes bowed. "W-we are doing our best to find them!"

"Do better." Zeus ordered. "They need to be found. Or else all of this could vanish. We could go back to a time before the Titanomachy. Greece would be nothing more than ruins."

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