34 - Romance, Revelations, and Revenge

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Just as I had thought.

A beast who was fated to be slain has been spared.

I am sure I have chosen the right one.

I expect great things from you...



A ship sailed across the seas, rocking against the waves. They were on a mission, and couldn't slow down for nothing. If they hurried, they could catch them before they hit land.

The crew members jumped in surprise, a sudden boom entered their ears as a singular bolt of lightning streaked across the sky.

"What the hell?!" One man exclaimed.

"I thought the skies were clear?!" Another one shouted.

The captain was a strong looking man with a bald head, strong brown-haired beard, and a scar down his right eye. A clearly hardened and experienced captain of the seas.

He looked up into the sky, only to see not a sole cloud. There was no storm; the sky was as clear as could be.

How odd. Where had that lightning come from? He had never seen anything like that before.

"Captain Arsenios!" Called one of the crew members. "There's a small boat up ahead! There seems to be a person aboard it!"

"Is it him?" Questioned Arsenios.

"We can't tell." Another crew mate stated. "The figure seems to be hooded."

"Bring them aboard." Arsenios replied. "They may be one of his crew at least."

The ship slowed down as it approached the small boat. Two of the crew mates descended down, before bringing up the figure.

His face was hidden by the hood on his cloak, and despite seemingly stranded in the middle of the sea he was impeccably calm.

Before Arsenios could even speak, the mysterious man spoke before him.

"I'm glad you saw my signal." He spoke.

"Your signal?" Arsenios questioned. "The hell are you talking about?"

"Doesn't matter." The man shook his head. "Would you happen to know anything about a blind archer?"

"A blind archer..." Arsenios narrowed his eyes. "You're part of his crew, aren't you?"

The hooded man lowly chuckled. "No. I have a debt I need to settle with him."

"Really?" Arsenios raised an eyebrow. "We are after him as well."

"Perfect." He could hear the grin on the man's face. "Then you shall take me to him so I can have his head."

"And why should we do that?" Arsenios argued. "Do you really think I'll believe you so easily? It is too much coincidence for us to happen to meet one another."

"You're right. It isn't coincidence." The man replied, flexing his fingers. "It's the work of a God."

He extended his arm, palm facing towards Arsenios, and suddenly a lightning bolt blasted from his hand. It rocketed past Arsenios' face, lightly searing the edge of his beard.

"I'm not very patient." The hooded man spoke again as every member of the ship now stared at him. "Next time someone doesn't listen I won't miss."

"Why are you after the blind archer?" The hooded man questioned.

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