59 - The Three Prophecies

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"How are you feeling?" Melinoe asked Pythia, who was still being held in Athena's arms as the group walked out of the colosseum and towards Hades' castle.

"Better than ever." Pythia smiled at Melinoe, taking in all of the features and details of her face. "But physically, a little weak. I'm glad I'm being carried, because I'm not sure if I can walk."

"Once we get to the castle you will rest." Athena stated.

"Okay..." Pythia nodded. "...I'm sorry. I allowed myself to be taken over and..."

"It's not your fault." Ria interjected. "It's okay, Pythia."

Pythia nodded, tears in her eyes as a large, grateful smile stretched across her cheeks.

"Thank you." She whispered.

"Do you know who possessed you?" Athena asked. "Any name? Or any clue?"

Pythia shook her head. "They impersonated Nikolas...and then pretended to be another side of myself. But..."

Athena raised an eyebrow in interest.

"...it said it is a being of insurmountable power." Pythia stated.

"That, unfortunately, does not give us much to work with." Athena sighed. "There are many who would call themselves that. Such as Zeus, or even Cronos."

"It can't be him." Artemis interjected. "He's locked in the deepest depths of Tartarus."

"Which is part of the underworld, where the possession has happened." Athena replied. "Let's get back to the castle before we discuss any more. We need Hades' insight.

They walked the rest of the way to Hades' castle quickly, determined to figure out their next course of action after this incident. They were no longer safe in the underworld. Both Apollo's appearance and the possession confirmed that.

Upon opening the doors to Hades' castle, they were met with an interesting sight. Hades and Persephone were sitting in their thrones, but standing in front of their thrones was a woman familiar to some and unfamiliar to others.

She had straight brown hair with soft blue eyes and a tiara atop her head. She paused talking to Hades and turned around at their arrival, instantly locking eyes with Athena. She noticed that she was also currently carrying a person but decided to ignore that for now.

"Hera?" Athena questioned.

"The queen!" Ria whispered to Melinoe in surprise.

"Athena." Hera nodded. "And company. I've obtained what you wished for."

"I see." Athena nodded. "Do not worry, you can share what you have learned to all of us."

"Are you absolutely sure?" Hera asked, a deathly serious look overtaking her face.

"I trust all of them." Athena nodded. "Except Apollo..."

"Hey!" Apollo argued.

Artemis elbowed him in the side. "You definitely don't deserve her trust."

"...But I do trust Artemis to keep him in check." Athena glanced towards her fellow Olympian.

Artemis nodded, giving her a thumbs up in response with a vicious grin. Apollo proceeded to shiver at the sight, knowing the horrors his twin sister could unleash upon him.

"All right." Hera conceded. "Zeus, he...he attempted to murder his child because of a freaking prophecy!"

"A prophecy?" Hades replied. "How could he have possibly of known about this prophecy all the way back then?"

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