49 - The Reunition

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"Nikolas!" Ria gasped.

She took a step forwards, only to hesitate and stop. After how things had ended last time, she was sure he didn't want to be near her...

And then, sensing her hesitation, Nikolas stepped forwards and outstretched his arms. It was as if he was waiting for Ria to come and hug him.

Ria's face beamed as she launched forward, slamming herself into his body as she wrapped her arms around him.

Hestia smiled brightly as she watched the scene, while Hephaestus lightly smirked.

"Nikolas!" Melinoe ran towards him. "You're ok!"

"I am fine, Mel." Nikolas replied. "I'm sorry."

Melinoe smiled warmly with a light blush, tears leaking out of her eyes as she hugged Nikolas as well. Ria refused to let go, leaving the two girls both hanging onto him.

"Nikolas!" Pythia appeared, as bubbly as ever. "Are you ok? Can I help you?"

"I am fine." Nikolas stated once more. "Thank you, Pythia."

"Look who has returned." Bellerophon smirked, bringing Nikolas into a headlock as he playfully rubbed his fist against the blind archer's hair. "Pegasus missed you."

Pegasus neighed in affirmation, walking over to be pet. Nikolas pet Pegasus as he continued to be surrounded.

"You won't die that easily, huh?" Artemis smirked, walking over.

Meanwhile, Athena stayed back. She simply watched as the others reunited with Nikolas. She glanced at him, and then at Medusa.

She didn't deserve the right to "reunite" with him. Not yet. Not until she made things right.

Hades cleared his throat, gathering everyone's attention. Nikolas' friends reluctantly backed off of him as the lord of the underworld strode towards him.

He stood in front of Nikolas, staring straight at the scar which ran across his eyes. He let out a deep sigh, before opening his mouth to speak.

"I....greatly apologize, Nikolas." Hades spoke. "I allowed my anger to get the best of me, when you were in fact innocent."

'The god...' Medusa's eyes widened. 'He's apologizing..?'

"I understand." Nikolas replied. "But this is not over."

"What?" Hades questioned.

Nikolas raised his finger, pointing it at Hades.

"I challenge you to a duel." Nikolas spoke.

Everything went silent. They all froze, wondering if they had just heard him correctly.

"If I win, you allow me to take my mother back with me, alive." Nikolas stated. "And if you win, you get my soul. First to concede loses."

"Nikolas?!" Medusa, Ria, Melinoe, Bellerophon, and Pythia all exclaimed in surprise. The gods had different reactions.

Artemis grinned widely while Athena, Hestia, Hephaestus, Persephone, Thanatos, and Styx all held looks of interest and intrigue.

Athena couldn't help but be a little worried as well. But she knew that Nikolas had a plan.

"You wish to challenge me?" Hades asked, an amused grin playing on his face. "The Lord of the Underworld."

"Yes." Nikolas confidently nodded.

"Very well then." Hades replied. "Should you win, Medusa can leave the underworld, alive once more."

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