Bonus 4 - The Oracle Of The Prophecy

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Pythia laid against the grass, staring up at the shining stars which dotted themselves across the inky black sky. What a beautiful night it was, one which she hadn't seen in years.

She still could hardly believe that she could see again. She wasn't sure why she had kept the sight once the possession had ended, but maybe the intruder was just bluffing when they said it would leave.

She would never quite know.

But either way, she was grateful.

She had been out here a while, just simply staring at the sky. After dealing with the issues this town was facing they decided to take the night to rest, so Pythia took this moment to look out at the sky before falling asleep.

To her left was a snoring Pegasus, peacefully laying across the ground. She lightly combed through his beautiful white fur as she continued gazing at the stars with a smile.

"What are you doing out so late?" A voice suddenly asked from behind her.

She sat up, turning around to see her crush and fellow member of the Xeno crew, Nikolas. She lightly blushed, being taken by surprise, but mostly smiled at his arrival.

"Just looking at the stars." Pythia spoke. "You don't need to worry about me."

"Can I join you?" Nikolas asked, tilting his head.

"Of course!" Pythia quietly exclaimed.

Nikolas laid down next to her, causing her to be unable to fight back the smile which appeared on her face. She couldn't help but feel so happy at his appearance.

And then she remembered unlike her, he couldn't see the stunning night sky above them. She couldn't help but feel bad about that, but also giddy that despite that he had decided to join her anyways.

"I don't quite understand." Nikolas quitely spoke.

Pythia lightly chuckled. "I'm just doing this to take a moment to relax."

Nikolas hummed in response. They sat in silence for a little while longer, before Nikolas spoke up once more.

"What does it look like?" Nikolas asked.

"What?" Pythia turned towards him.

"The sky." Nikolas elaborated.

Pythia looked back up. "It's dark, like an endless void. But within it are tiny little shining lights. And then there's the moon, which is round and glowing."

She smiled as she spoke those words, raising her hand towards the sky as if trying to touch it.

"Does that help?" Pythia asked.

"No." Nikolas bluntly replied.

Pythia giggled. Just like last time.

"If you ever want me to describe something, I'll be there." Pythia spoke.

"Thank you." Nikolas replied.

"No..." Pythia shook her head. "...thank you."

Nikolas titled his head, confused.

"I'm so glad that we met and that I joined all of you." Pythia smiled. "I've never been happier. Finally I'm doing what I want to do."

Pythia looked back up at the sky as she spoke. Joining them was so much fun. She had made some great friends and found an incredible crush.

And finally...she loved herself.

It was hard, feeling inadequate compared to the others. But she couldn't be them. She could only be herself, and she had learned that.

She was so thankful that they stuck with her through it. She had gotten possessed and attacked them, and yet they hadn't cared at all.

They were just happy she was back.

And she was back, better than ever. There were things that only she could do. There were things that made her special, just like everyone else.

And she would use those things to protect those which she cared for.

She turned towards Nikolas, her heart pounding in her chest as she finally made up her mind. She had been thinking about it a lot recently, after seeing and hearing about the others.

But what if-!

No. No overthinking this time.

She had to go for it.

"Nikolas..." She whispered.

Nikolas, having heard her move and then speak his name, turned towards her as well. The two were now face to face, laying on the grass under the starry sky.

"I like you, Nikolas." She continued.

"I like you too." Nikolas seamlessly replied.

"No, I mean..." Pythia took a deep breath. "...I like you...a lot."

Nikolas stayed silent for a moment while Pythia waited with bated breaths, knowing that her message came across.

"So do I." He finally responded.

Pythia broke out into a grin, scooting closer and wrapping her arms around Nikolas. She laid there for a moment, cuddling with him, before bringing her face up and pecking his lips with her own.

The two of them laid there, under the beautiful night sky for a little while longer until they finally called it a night.

And Pythia could barely sleep with how hard her heart was pounding.

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