28 - Blind's Bullseye

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"Welcome back everyone!" The announcer yelled. "We will now be shortly commencing the next round for our eight contestants, archery!"

The stone stands were filled once again, and the three girls have found their spots. They sat in the stands, but they weren't exactly alone. Next to them laid Pegasus, taking up the space of at least three people as he relaxed and watched Nikolas.

Their little group had gotten a couple of odd stares considering that a horse was not only in the stands but was also spectating. But despite this, no one dared to say a word.

'Like I thought, Pegasus here displays a level of intelligence beyond your normal horse.' Era thought to herself. 'And horses are already quite intelligent.'

'How in the underworld did that horse get up here?' Many people wondered at once.

'Does that horse have wings?' Inwardly questioned one spectator.

"I've heard that Nikolas is pretty good at archery from your gushing plenty of times..." Melinoe told Ria, causing the latter to blush. "But I've never actually seen it myself. How good will he be?"

"I'm also curious." Era added.

"He'll be first." Ria said without a sliver of doubt. "I know it's unexpected since he can't see, but he's the greatest archer I've ever seen."

"Seriously?" Melinoe asked.

"Yeah." Ria nodded confidently.

"I am intrigued." Era hummed.

"We have eight targets set up!" The announcer spoke, gesturing to the targets. They were made out of wood with each one containing a drawing of multiple circles within each other, each layer a different color.

"Each section has a different point value." The announcer explained. "The outer ring is one point, the middle is two, and the inner ring is three. If you hit the small circle in the middle, the bullseye, that is five points!"

"The targets are the length of approximately five horses from each participant, and they each get three arrows to shoot at them." The announcer continued. "And the four with the highest number of points will advance to the final event. Any ties will be settled with another round!"

The eight participants were lined up, each one equipped with a bow and a quiver filled with three arrows. Nikolas was the final one in line, nobody expecting him to succeed. Nikolas examined his bow with his hands, feeling the smooth wood and the tightness of the string.

It was better than the scrappy bow he currently had, but he'd have to get used to this one. He had made that old one himself out of a sturdy branch and decent enough string. He wondered if he could ask to keep this new one.

"Are we ready to start?!" The announcer excitedly exclaimed.

"You're going down, punk." The man in front of him in the line spoke. "Good luck trying to hit a target you can't see. Can't believe they've allowed you to last this long."

"I don't know, I feel like you'd be surprised." Bellerophon replied, the sixth in line. "I have a feeling it won't be that simple."

"Please. As if a blind kid can shoot a bow." The fifth man in line scoffed.

"I can shoot." Nikolas replied. "I'd rather have a moving target, however."

"Do you hear this kid?" The seventh man in line laughed. "He thinks it's too easy and wants a moving target instead!"

Everybody laughed except for Nikolas and Bellerophon, the former being unperturbed and the latter simply having a confident smile on his face.

"Let's begin!" The announcer screamed. "Contestant one, shoot your arrows!"

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