56 - The Overtaking Guilt

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Apollo and Nikolas stood across from each other, before in an instant their images blurred as they moved to fight. Apollo's fist soared past Nikolas' head as Nikolas sent a stab towards the god's stomach.

Apollo sidestepped the spear, gripping it with his hands. He threw it up, Nikolas following as he continued to hold onto it. Nikolas threw the spear downwards as Apollo dodged, before landing back onto the ground and dodging Apollo's punch.

Apollo sent a flurry of strikes which Nikolas proceeded to barely dodge. Apollo suddenly struck with his foot in a quick kick to Nikolas' chest. Nikolas barely blocked with his arms, sliding backwards.

"Stay back from him!" Pythia appeared in front of Apollo, holding her spear out and pointing it at him.

"My oracle?" Apollo raised his eyebrows. "To think you've also seduced her..."

Apollo cracked his neck.

"You have guts." Apollo stated.

He suddenly whirled around, catching a flaming sword as Melinoe swung at him. He held it inbetween his fingers, keeping it from cutting him while also somehow having a consistent strength that Melinoe couldn't pull the sword from.

He quickly brought his knee up, slamming it into her stomach. She gasped, clutching her stomach with her sword hand while her other went backwards in preparation.

Pythia continued to point her spear at Apollo, her hands shaking as she thrust it forwards. He quickly turned and caught the spear with his other hand, clenching his fist and effortlessly snapping the weapon in half. Before Pythia could even truly register what had happened she was smacked aside, flying from the force of Apollo's backhand.

She crashed into the ground a short bit away, groaning as she felt her side where she was hit. It hurt. It hurt so much. There were scratches all over her body, and she might have a broken rib.

She clenched her teeth, trying to keep the tears from falling. She hated it. She hated how she was. She hated she was so...


Melinoe swung her first forwards, slamming it into the hilt of her blade held by Apollo and pushing it further inbetween his fingers.

Apollo ducked just in time as the sword went over his head from inbetween his fingers. He had not been expecting such a quick recovery from her, considering she wore no armor at the moment. He let go, allowing Melinoe to recover her weapon.

Apollo dodged as Nikolas' spear brushed past his face, cutting a thin line across his cheek. Nikolas was back with his weapon, lightning coursing around him as he was even quicker.

"You..." Apollo's eyes widened.

A fellow son of Zeus-

Apollo quickly dodged out of the way as both Nikolas and Melinoe went onto the assault. Despite one of them lacking sight, the two of them worked in perfect unison as they pursued Apollo. He was barely dodging their attacks and multiple light scratches were appearing across his skin.

"Hey!" A voice called.

Apollo suddenly turned around only for a fist to slam into his face, sending him stumbling backwards. Bellerophon now stood with Nikolas and Melinoe, fists brandished.

"Heh." Apollo chuckled. "I'm quite outnumbered, aren't I?"

"What is your problem?" Bellerophon narrowed his eyes.

"I have to ensure that my sister doesn't make any stupid decisions." Apollo replied. "And Zeus happens to want him dead. Works out perfectly for me."

Apollo grinned as he extended his hand, a beautiful and golden lyre appearing. A hollow circular like instrument double the size of a hand with a hole and lined strings over it. The three all rushed at him as he started to bring his fingers to the lyre to play.

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