6 - Destruction In The Streets

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The orange-scaled centipede man stood on lookout as Arachnean helped Chief Death to his feet. Apollo and Carl stood nearby, dusting themselves off as they tried to catch their breaths meanwhile Rift rhythmically tapped his foot, waiting for answers. The group was confused about basically everything. They didn't know who the hell they just fought, nor what had happened to the other heroes. All they knew was that something terrible was happening to their friends.

"What now?" Enzo asked, grabbing his bow from the ground.

"Well, we-" Rift was suddenly cut off.

"What do you think..." Centa rolled his eyes. "We need to locate that son of a bitch..."

"Right..." Dr Arachnean nodded. "Well then, Hellford?"

"Hellford..." the group responded together.

As the heroes began their journey, they only just then started to take in the damage that had been done to the streets around them. Buildings were crumpled, many of them completely destroyed. Cars and vehicles lay everywhere, with many of them half buried in the ground. The smell of smoke and ash lingered in the air, making it hard for the heroes to breathe.

But none of that really mattered to the group. What they couldn't understand was how the villain had even managed to do such a thing. It was like something alien, supernatural, magic or something of the kind. The heroes struggled to comprehend the situation, but they continued on regardless.

"This way..." Arachnean pointed to a street. "Hopefully Batsy or Professor Stevens will have a clue on what to do next."

The group made their way through the city, following Arachnean's directions; but the streets were so damaged that it was difficult to tell which way to turn. As they approached a corner, several buildings stood, looking as though they could collapse at any minute. The yelling of screams could be heard from inside the buildings, which gave the heroes a shiver of fear.

"Screw this," Rift muttered as he cracked his knuckles. "If I was born to be a hero, a hero is what I shall be!"

Without another word, the metallic-covered man went sprinting into the creaking structure. The group looked at each other, unsure of what to do. Centa stood with his arms crossed and eyes squinted, obviously not feeling in the mood for anything but destruction. However, the rest of the group decided to help, running in after him.

Standing outside, Calvin shook his head, sighing to himself. He wasn't in the best of moods, especially as he had no way of contacting Quar or Monroe. It just annoyed him, that he couldn't do something as simple as check in on them... But that's when he had an idea.

Turning on the spot, Centa sprinted out into the city of London.


As a few heroes sat down, they would quickly get attended to by some of the most trusted employees. Stevens tended to Fast Maker as what seemed like a trainee with white hair took care of Lola. A few others bustled around, talking to Sapphire and Hassan; but one last helper seemed to be frozen.

Standing still, just staring at XLR8, stood the receptionist. She was in complete awe of the alien standing before her, green skin and all. For many years, she had imagined what it would feel like to see an alien in person, to be able to talk to them and feel their presence. To be honest, she never thought it would ever happen.

"Luna, it's rude to stare." the trainee chuckled, noticing the woman's strange behaviour.

"Oh, quiet Caleb!" Luna laughed, turning her attention back towards XLR8. "I can't believe you're here, I'm sorry. I just feel honoured!"

"That's alright..." XLR8 replied, smiling at the woman. "It's nice to meet you... My name is XLR8."

"Luna..." the receptionist smiled, shaking her head. "Luna Maddison!"

As the two continued their conversation, Batsy and Black Star would stand side to side; looking out of a large window towards the destroyed scenery below. There was no doubt in either of their minds that this was going to be a long and hard battle, but they were the two to try and push a little joy into it wherever they could.

"So, how long?" Sapphire asked.

"If I get the right team together, I believe only a few days..." Hassan nodded. "Meanwhile, there's something I need you to do!"

"What is it?"

"I need you to tell me everything you know about Skeletal!"

"Well, it's not too much. Ribernal was a story told to many generations of Rockatrayens. About the civilization of the Ribbertons and their fearless and fearful leaders. They scoured the cosmos together, many many years ago, rummaging through worlds and claiming them as part of their empire. Bonez and Skeletal were to be feared... But to us, they were a story... Not much more than that... So knowing now that they are very much real, I feel that I actually know hardly anything, if not, nothing...." Sapphire looked to the ground. "They have Sky... Ivy... Belle... Megan... Now that poor baroness girl... We have to get them back!"

Hassan's entire body turned to face Black Star, taking her hands as he did. Her eyes peered up to look at the bat mutant in the face. With a grin, Batsy tightened his grip, smiling down at the alien.

"We will..." he said, nodding slowly. "But I need you to go and try to find out what else you can... Can you do that?"

She immediately nodded her head with determination.

"Of course! And I know exactly where to start!"

She turned around and made eye contact with Lola.

"Blinding Light, up for a trip?"


Centa came to a stop as the smell of burning wood filled his senses. Looking around, he immediately spotted the number of buildings on fire. Some because of the attacks, most because of looting. His face refused to show any emotions, with only the noise of chittering coming from him.

As his eyes continued to look around, he finally grabbed sight of Agua Fresca, the Agua Company's hideout that stood on the docks. He was hoping to find some of his friends inside, sprinting towards the entry of the bar as he hoped for the best. However, he stopped dead in his tracks and came to a halt before the entrance, noticing it was smashed in as if a wild animal had attacked.

"Hmm..." the centipede mutant squinted his eyes, gently pushing open the doorway.

Inside, the bar was a pig sty, with food everywhere and tables overturned and smashed. The place was full of broken glass, bottles and cutlery. Some of the staff were still alive, crying and moaning as they tried to pick themselves up off the floor. Soon his attention was grabbed by the moaning of Monroe as she crawled her way out from behind the bar.

"Julia?" Cal's eyes widened, hurrying over to her side. "Tell me, now. Who did this?"

The woman couldn't talk, but as her eyes turned to ones of fear, Centa would cringe as his mandibles received a strange sensation. Without any hesitation, the mutant spun around on his feet, his eyes landing on someone standing just in the shadows. Leaping forward, Calvin tackled the unknown stranger to the ground while he growled with intent. His mandibles chittered ferociously as a purple-coloured goo began to omit from them, spewing all over the man.

But that's when he realised. It wasn't a man... It was a woman.

"Identify yourself!" he growled, pressing his mandibles onto the stranger's neck.

"If you wish." she'd pause, clearing her throat. "You can call me Ariel..."

As some light finally scanned over the woman, the centipede quickly studied her, taking all of her into account. She was dressed up, half like a villain, half like a mermaid. Her skin was pale, she had long red locks of hair, her torso was thin and muscular and for some reason, she was wearing some kind of scuba mask.

She'd quickly send a blast of water from her mouth towards the mutant, forcing him away and back towards Julia. Easily jumping back onto her feet, she peered over towards Cal and smirked.

"Ariel of The Princesses!"

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