22 - The Will To Triumph

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AV4X, Bonez and Skeletal slowly rose to their feet, full of anger and fury. They were ready to take on everyone in this place! The undead lovers' bodies glowed with dark energy as they drew their weapons.

"We will destroy every last one of you!" Skeletal yelled, tightening his grip around his spear.

"You won't leave here alive!" Bonez cried, raising her blade above her head.

"This ends here..." AV4X said, taking a deep breath.

Both Ribbertons and the female Bramnium would growl, instantly charging forward as more skeleton knights began to emerge from the ground. The clang of metal against bone rang throughout the room as skeletons surrounded the heroes.

"Let's do this!" Bella-Rose chuckled, grabbing hold of her necklace.

Within seconds a lime green gas would emit from the accessory, completely engulfing the female Death Sibling. Soon she'd emerge in her humongous purple dragon form, with her large wings immediately beginning to damage the stability of the building.

The heroes, gathering together, quickly backed off towards the exit as Disney Duchess released her repulsor beams towards a bunch of knights. Her blasts were strong enough to push even the largest of skeletons back a few feet, leaving them open for attack.

As the group ran through the corridors, the skeletons would begin to pursue them, with the three villains leading the army. Stumbling through the halls, the heroes would push themselves to their limits as Bella-Rose attempted to keep some of the soldiers back. Joining her side would be the three Hilling siblings, happily assisting their cousin. Attacking with beams of light, fireballs, and blasts of electricity, the three would work as a team to damage and stun the enemies pursuing them.

Soon, they reached the exit of the building, running outside before sliding to a halt. To everyone's horror, waiting for them on the other side of the doors was a large group of skeleton soldiers. As the heroes stood out front, surrounded, they would soon be joined by the three villains from behind.

"You won't escape!" Bonez yelled. "The Epitomes are ours!"

"It's time for us to settle this once and for all!" Skeletal added.

Turning to face the female Ribberton, Baroness Rose would squint her eyes.

"You possessed my body, and now I'm free from your command! You're control ends here, Bonez!" she yelled.

The heroes knew they had to fight, or they wouldn't live to see another day.

Baroness Rose would take a step forward, holding her hands high. Without warning, two vines would erupt from the ground, under her almighty control. The vines would wrap themselves around Bonez's legs, causing her to fall backwards and tumble into AV4X. Skeletal, shaking his head, would slash at the vine with his spear, promptly cutting it and freeing his love.

At the same time, the many knights would charge forth, swinging their swords and spears at the heroes. Freight-Tale would rush forward, throwing a barrage of fireballs at the heads of the skeletons and sending them flying away. As they fell, the skeleton knights would explode into a black glare, their bones shattering to dust. At the same time, Batsy and Disney Duchess took to the skies, using sonic screams and repulsor blasts respectively to defend the others.

Back on the ground level, The Golden Edge and Rift would both run towards the mob, ready to help. However, the duo would be met with much resistance as the undead horde was determined to stop them. Nodding to one another, the pair would make use of their telekinetic abilities, pushing the skeletons into the nearby coliseum. With Liam's eyes glowing a bright blue and Ivy using her staff to the best of her capability, the duo fended off the skeleton soldiers and pushed them back.

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