Chapter 12

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Yeonjun gulped looking at glaring Taehyung well shit he thought and smiles nervously looking at Taehyung and waves awkwardly at him "H-Hi h-hyung" he said.

"To hell with your hi wait you snake. I trusted you!" Saying that Taehyung marched towards him trying to get a hold of him but before he could Yeonjun moved backwards and clutches Jin's hand "OMG Hyung save me!" He said hiding his face.

Jimin catch Taehyung, back hugging him before he could reach Yeonjun "whoa calm down tiger" he said chuckling.

Jin wrapped his hand over Yeonjun hiding his face and chuckled "Oops tea got spilled" he smirked at Taehyung's red face and pats Yeonjun's head "We'll done my son. I taught you well!" Hr said.

Taehyung hanged his head low as his face turned red. Jimin chuckled as he swing Taehyung said to side "Wanna say something~" he teased the boy making him whined.

Now the four boys was sitting on the bed. Taehyung was still glaring at Yeonjun who was still sitting besides Jin giving him teasing looks.

Jimin cleared his throat tensed up suddenly remembering something "um Taehyung" Taehyung looks at him waiting for him to continue "h-how much you heard? I-I mean what else did you heard when you came here?" He asked.

"Oh? I came when this fox boy spelled my secret!" He said pointing at Yeonjun who smirked in returns feeling safe in Jin's hold.

"So you do have a crush on Jungkook!" Jin beamed making Taehyung stilled. He shut his eyes tightly pulling his hairs.

"Abhbhh....... maybe.....yes.... absolutely" he answered his whole face turning hot and his ears turned red as he heard other cheering.

"Ha told you!" Yeonjun clapped and giggles at Taehyung's red face.

"Well I can spell your secret too fox face!" Taehyung snapped pointing at Yeonjun.

"Eh? Mine? Which secret?" Yeonjun questioned pointing at himself.

"Oohhoo more tea! Jimin I'm proud of you my child you bring right people here with you" Jin said with a laugh.

"That....That.... That you have a crush on Soobin!" Taehyung said raising on his knees pointing at Yeonjun.




"Ah? Is this supposed to be a secret?" Jimin asked looking between Taehyung and Yeonjun and then at Jin who shrugged.

"Huh?" Taehyung made a confused face "why are you not shocked?" He asked.

"Don't know maybe because I'm openly wooing Soobin? And made it clear that I have a crush on him? And I'm sure he knew this too" Yeonjun said waving his hand boringly.

"Boo failed try Tae" Jin said and throw a pillow at Taehyung who had dumbfounded face.

Jimin laughed seeing his face "Oh my you didn't noticed? The boy was literally after Soobin's ass openly flirting with him. Everyone in hospital know"

Taehyung sat back with a pout and scratch his cheeks with his forefinger "oh well ok"

"Anyways why did Jungkook called you?" Jimin nudged the boy wiggling his eyebrows. Jin and Yeonjun too followed and Wiggles their eyebrows in a teasing manner.

Taehyung tries his best to hide his smile and the mention of the name "O-Oh well he called to ask if we reached safely and if need something to eat so he will order it and other stuff" he answered with great difficulty as the other three boys make it hard for him not to just brust into smile.

"OooooH~ other stuff too~ hmm~"

"Hyung! Jin!" Taehyung whines making other laugh at him.

While Taehyung was getting teased to death at Jin's here in hospital Jungkook was being impatient and a whining mess.

Hobi sighed nth time looking at Jungkook who was sitting in his office couch bouncing his leg and glaring at the wall clock.

The door opened. Yoongi entered with Soobin following behind holding a box in his hand "We got us some Juice!" He announced happily and skipped to where Jungkook was sitting and put the box on the table.

Yoongi walked to Hobi and raised his eyebrows noticing his done face "Man who made you so done?" He questioned taking a seat in front of Hobi's desk while cracking his neck.

Hobi points and Yoongi rolled his chair sideways to see where he was pointing and saw it was Jungkook he saw him biting on his nails pouting and huffing ".......what's with him?" He questioned.

Hobi opened his mouth to answer but Yoongi stopped him ".. wait-actually don't tell me I'm not drunk enough to listing to it" he said shaking his head. Hobi smacked him with paper roll and rolled his eyes "meanie" he mumbled.

Soobin was sitting by the coffee table and opened the cardboard box and took out the fruit juice he and Yoongi got from hospital's cafeteria.

He hand one to Jungkook who took it silently while pouting Soobin didn't questioned it as now it was normal for them to see Dr. Jeon's having mood swings, unbothered he stood up holding two cans and hand them to Hobi and Yoongi who ruffled the boy's hair and thanked him.

"Where's Yoonji Noona?" Soobin questioned holding up a can.

"She went to run some check ups on the patients don't worry she will be here soon, You sit and drink your juice ok" Hobi replied. Soobin nods and sat in front of Jungkook.

Jungkook was taking small sips from the can while continuously looking at the clock. He huffed and leaned back on the couch then after a minute again huffed and sat straight.

Other three boys present in room silently giving him judging looks.

"I swear to god Jungkook if you made a single noice again I'm gonna kick you out of this room" Yoongi said done with all silent whining to the younger.

Jungkook's ear picked up finally someone noticed! He thought and looks at Yoongi with a pout and big Bambi eyes.

"Urghhh...Why the hell you thought i was quietly suffering hearing his whines Yoongi now deal with it" Hobi said dropping his head.

"Huh?" Yoongi questioned but cut off as a shiver run down his body when he heard a disgustingly sweet voice.

"Yoonie hyungie~" .

Soobin choked on his juice and start coughing with widened eyes looking at Jungkook who was sitting in the couch mermaid pose calling Yoongi oh so sweetly.

Yoongi's left eye twitched as he turned his head slowly towards the voice which happened to belong to Jungkook's.

Jungkook himself cringed internally but continued with his act he pouts more and blinks his eyes "Hyungie would you like to go and meet Jin Hyungie with kookie?"

Hobi was too embarrassed to even raise his head, poor Soobin was dying cause of coughing and the burning sensation in his nose when he get choked on his juice and Yoongi wished he had never opened his mouth.


Basically, I'm an idiot in love.


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