Chapter 45

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Jungkook's dad had to go as his best friend called him for some work but before going he told Jungkook to have a talk about how he sue his boyfriend/crush.

Now both of the boyfriends standing inftont of the laundry basket that they shifted in the balcony where they have their washing machine.

"I'm asking again, are you sure about washing this much clothes ourself? Like we could give it to building's laundry and pay them to wash it?" Jungkook asked looking at his boyfriend.

"Nope. Last time we did that, they ruined my red silk shirt and your one of my favourite hoodie. So I'm not gonna take any chance with it" Taehyung replied.

"As you wish baby highness, come on let's get start with it" saying that he sat down and start separating all white clothes from coloured ones while Taehyung went to set washing machine.

Two of them work side by side. Taehyung mixed washing detergent in water and mixed it with his hands before taking the clothes Jungkook passing him one by one. They have to wash the clothes in two slots as first they went for all white clothes as to prevent them getting stained.

"Now that we are washing clothes, how about we clean up our room as well?" Jungkook suggested when the first batch of clothes went in washing machine without any hurdle. Taehyung looked up from the rotating water in washing machine to his boyfriend who was sitting leaning his back to the railings of the balcony.

"Oh great idea! We need to clean up anyway so let's use this Sunday to do our house chores" Taehyung said giving Jungkook thumbs up.

Jungkook smiles and stood up to reach the younger "Ok you keep an eye here till then I'll go and do the dusting first" Taehyung nods smiling back at the older.

As Jungkook was about to enter in room Taehyung stopped him "Oh and please change the bedsheet too and give me the used one, I'll put it for wash as well" Jungkook looks back and nods before entering in.

At first Jungkook took out the new bedsheet from the cupboard and changed it with the current one. He collects the used bedsheet and pillow covers, walking back to balcony he dropped the sheets near the remaining clothes and walks behind Taehyung only to press a kiss on the back of his head before going back in room silently making Taehyung blushed and squeal internally.

Jungkook then walked near the main door and opens the cabinet right beside the door to bring out the vacuum cleaner and other needed things. He the start dusting, wiping and cleaning all the things in room after then he vacuumed the floor and throw the collected dirt in dustbin.

He cracked his shoulder bones and neck bone after completing his task. He than walks to washroom to clean it as well. On the other hand Taehyung was done with the first batch of the clothes as he took them out of the dryer and put now all coloured clothes in for wash.

He kept the clothes from dryer in seprate basket keeping them aside. Jungkook walked in balcony, as he saw the washed clothes basket he went to set the clothes stand and start putting washed clothes on it.

"Is this the last batch?" Jungkook asked pointing at the clothes in washing machine. Taehyung nods "Yep. By the way, you done with dusting?"

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