The video

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Demis POV

We stood there in shock. I didn't think she was that good. Her whole family and i ran to hug her.

I smiled at her. Then I uploaded a video of perla singing, I hope she didnt see me record her.

A couple hours later everyone left except Adrian, Perla, Bryan, Kalena, Lupe, and me. We stayed in the theater ,and since perla is now comterble, she sang with me. which made her very happy.

After we took them home. Me and Adrian signed into our twitter, Facebook, tumblr, and YouTube to see alot of people had watched it.

Then my phone rang.


"Hey Demi, its Eddie, who's that girl in the video"

"its Adrian's sister perla" I said knowing wat he was talking about.

"kool, you know she's on the news for number one video". He said.

"what, no way really,I need to tell Adrian."

"OK, then I'll go over tomorrow, text me the address."

"OK dad bye" I said hanging up the phone.

I turned on the TV and it was true, perla and i were singing.

"ADRIAN" I yelled. he came running

"WAHTS WRONG" he said yelling back.

"Perla is on TV the video went to number one virel video"

he then ran and saw the tv, smiled and said,

"they should sign her to Hollywood records"

"Don't worry Eddie is coming tomorrow" I laughed this was awesome.


Perla's POV

I woke up early for some reason, so i went for a jog. Then as I ran people were smiling and staring at me as I ran.

A little girl went in front of me and i stopped.

"Yes" I said taking my ear phones out my ears.

"Are you perla" she said with a smile.

"yes why" I asked confused.

"Can I have your autograph"she said handing me a piece of paper and pen.

"sure" I said confuse but I signed it.

"I saw you on tv singing with Demi Lovato, and are you Adrian's sister."

"I was on TV" I said confused

"yeah look" and she took her phone out to show me the video. It was me and Demi singing at the theater. I can't believe they put it up.

"don't worry your video is number one on YouTube"she said and left.

I ran home and open the door to see everyone up.

"perla your on the news" Lupe screamed.

I looked and it was true.

Then I seen Adrian through the window and ran to hug him.

"Thank you" I told him as he hugged me back.

"well its the least I can do since I left you. Are you mad at me". he said sounding sad.

"No, why would I be mad." I told him

"Because I left and didn't call or anything."

"I'm not mad, you followed your dreams, you did come see me after all, and your dating the most beautiful Demi Lovato."I sad looking at him. He looked at me and hugged me again. Then Demi came out the car and ran to me. She hugged me tackling me down the cold grass.

"sorry" she said trying to laugh.

I laughed "its OK" then Adrian helped us both up. we went inside to hang out.

Demi is still here (demi lovato fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now