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Ava sat at her study desk, her eyes fixated on a stack of advanced mathematics books. The room was abuzz with the excitement of a new tutoring session. At such a young age, her intellect surpassed expectations, and today, she was about to delve into a realm of math that would challenge even seasoned scholars.

As the door creaked open, Ava's face lit up with a bright smile. Ms. Johnson, her tutor, walked in with a warm greeting. The two of them shared a special connection, bonded by Ava's extraordinary mind and insatiable curiosity.

"Good morning, Ava," Ms. Johnson said with enthusiasm. "Are you ready for some thrilling math challenges today?"

Ava nodded eagerly, her small hands ready to tackle the complex equations that lay ahead. Ms. Johnson opened one of the books, revealing a chapter on advanced algebra. She carefully explained the concepts, and to her amazement, Ava absorbed the information like a sponge, solving the problems effortlessly.

As the tutoring session progressed, Ava's brilliance shone through. Her mind soared through abstract ideas, connecting mathematical dots in ways that left Ms. Johnson in awe. The young prodigy asked insightful questions that even seasoned mathematicians might ponder.

"You truly have an extraordinary mind, Ava," Ms. Johnson marvelled. "Your ability to grasp and solve these complex mathematical problems is remarkable. I must let your father know how incredibly well you've done today."

With the tutoring session complete, Ava bid farewell to Ms. Johnson, eager to share her accomplishments with her father, Tony Stark. His unwavering support fuelled her passion and gave her the courage to explore new frontiers of knowledge.

"JARVIS, where's my dad?" Ava inquired, ready to share her triumphs.

"Your father is in his workshop, Ava," JARVIS replied. "But he has requested that you not disturb him at the moment."

Ava's excitement faltered for a moment, disappointed that she couldn't immediately share her achievements with her father. However, she understood the importance of respecting his work and eagerly accepted JARVIS's suggestion for more challenging math problems.

"I'll go to my room then, JARVIS," Ava said with determination. "Please give me more challenges to tackle."

The AI complied, providing Ava with a wealth of additional math problems. Her room soon became a haven of intellectual pursuit. With every problem solved, her passion grew, driving her to unravel the mysteries of the mathematical universe.

As the hours passed, Ava's fatigue caught up with her, and she eventually succumbed to sleep, her mind still buzzing with mathematical wonders. In her dreams, she explored imaginary landscapes filled with numbers and equations, her unyielding thirst for knowledge ever-present.

Unaware of the commotion outside her room, Ava slept peacefully, as her father, returned home late that night, bruised and battered from his encounter with Obadiah Stane, his business partner turned adversary.

Tony entered Ava's room with a mixture of exhaustion and relief. He watched her peaceful slumber, marvelling at the incredible mind she possessed at such a young age. Gently, he tucked her in, making sure she was comfortable and safe. He brushed a strand of hair away from her forehead and pressed a soft kiss on her cheek, being careful not to disturb her rest.

"You amaze me, Ava," Tony whispered, his voice filled with pride and love. "Even in your sleep, you're always searching for answers, always eager to learn."

He stood there for a moment, taking in the sight of his precious daughter, the embodiment of his hopes and dreams for a better world. Tony quietly left the room, the weight of the day's events heavy on his shoulders. As he walked down the hallway, he couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of purpose. He knew he had to keep pushing forward, not just for himself, but for Ava and the world they lived in. 

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