✧ ˚ 33 · thirty-three .

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Ava trailed after her father, the air heavy with unresolved tension as they entered one of the vacant lounge rooms. She directed her steps toward the window, her gaze fixed on the outside view, while the distinct sound of the door closing resonated in the room.

The room seemed to hold its breath as the silence lingered, both Ava and Tony standing at a distance from each other. The weight of their recent argument hung heavily in the air, a tangible barrier between them.

Tony's voice broke the quiet, his tone a mixture of frustration and concern. "I came to find you two nights ago. You weren't here." He stated.

Ava pivoted, her eyes meeting her father's stern expression. "I stayed over at Pepper's," she explained.

Tony ran a hand over his forehead. "Yeah, I know. She filled me in," he acknowledged.

Ava turned her gaze back to the window, lost in thought.

Tony's voice carried a hint of exasperation, a reflection of his frustration and worry. "Ava, you can't just shut me out like this. We need to address what happened."

Ava's shoulders tensed slightly, her voice a mix of defiance and frustration. "What's there to address, Dad? You found out about my powers, and everything fell apart."

"I was scared, Ava. My daughter—my incredible daughter who means more to me than anything—is now a part of a world filled with danger and chaos."

Ava's eyes blazed with resentment, her voice laced with bitterness. "Oh, I'm sure you care, in your own way. As long as it doesn't interfere with your precious superhero agenda."

Tony's patience seemed to wear thin as he leaned in slightly, his gaze locked onto Ava's. "This isn't just about me, Ava. It's about the dangers you're now exposed to. Do you even realize the kind of world you've entered?"

Ava's fists clenched at her sides, her tone sharp and cutting. "Yeah, Dad, I've seen it. I've seen what your world does. Destroying cities, leaving chaos in its wake. But you're right, I'm just supposed to sit back and be grateful for the 'protection'."

He threw his hands up in exasperation. "You're twisting my words! You think this is easy for me? You're my daughter, and I have to worry about your safety in a world where I've seen things go terribly wrong!"

Ava's anger flared, her voice raising in a mixture of fury and hurt. "Don't pretend like you care about me now! You've been absent when it mattered most!"

Tony's voice matched her intensity as he shouted back, "I'm trying to protect you!"

"Protect me? What from powers like these?" Ava snapped, holding a hand up and letting the energy flow through it. She watched as Tony glanced at the golden glow, then looked away.

"You're ashamed of me, aren't you? Just admit it!" Ava snapped, the glow becoming brighter and her eyes lighting up.

The room seemed to crackle with charged energy, both literal and metaphorical. Tony's expression remained a mixture of conflicted emotions, his eyes locked onto the radiant display before him.

"No, Ava, it's not like that," Tony's voice held a combination of exasperation and desperation. "I'm not ashamed of you. I'm worried about you. About what you're capable of and the dangers that come with it."

Ava's eyes blazed with defiance, her hand still enveloped in the golden aura of her power. "You're worried about me? So, what, you're going to lock me up here? Keep me hidden because you're afraid?"

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