✧ ˚ 26 · twenty-six .

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┌─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐

Sweat rolled off Ava's forehead, glistening in the dimly lit training room. Her fists connected with the punching bag in front of her, the impact sending vibrations through her arms. Each strike was fuelled by a mixture of determination, frustration, and the need to release the pent-up energy that came with her secret life. With each punch, Ava felt a temporary escape from the complexities of her world. The rhythmic sound of her gloves meeting the bag echoed in the room, drowning out the noise of her thoughts.

As she continued to pound the bag, her breath quickened, and her muscles burned. The physical intensity matched the emotional weight she carried, the challenges of her hidden life pressing down on her shoulders. But for now, in the solitude of the training room, she could let it all out.

"Who are you pretending that punch bag is, Little Stark?" A thick accent rang out, breaking her from her thoughts.

Ava's breath hitched as the voice cut through the rhythm of her punches. She turned to find Wanda standing by the doorway, her presence unexpected.

Ava's chest rose and fell with each heavy breath as she met Wanda's gaze. The weight of her dual life was etched in her features, a testament to the internal struggles she faced. "I'm not... pretending it's anyone," she finally replied, her voice carrying a mixture of honesty and guardedness.

Wanda's expression softened, and she stepped further into the room, her gaze unwavering on Ava. "Then what's bothering you, Little Stark?"

Ava's voice wavered slightly as she spoke, a mix of vulnerability and honesty lacing her words. "It's just... It's hard, you know? Juggling these two lives, the constant pressure, the fear of letting someone down."

Wanda took a step closer, her presence reassuring in its empathy. "You're not alone in feeling that way, Ava. It's natural to doubt yourself, to question whether you can keep up with the demands. But remember, you have the strength within you."

Ava's gaze locked onto Wanda's, her vulnerability met with a steady, understanding gaze. "How do you do it? How do you manage to be both a hero and a person?"

Wanda's smile was gentle, the wisdom of experience evident in her expression. "It's a journey, Ava. There are days when it feels impossible, but you learn to find balance. You find people who support you, who remind you of your worth. And you never forget the reason you took on this role in the first place."

Ava's shoulders sagged, the weight of her emotions finding a temporary release in the presence of someone who understood.

The room fell into a comfortable silence, the air heavy with unspoken understanding. "Do you want to go get something to eat?" She questioned.

Wanda's question broke the silence, a gentle invitation that carried warmth. Ava met Wanda's gaze, her lips curling into a grateful smile. "Yeah, that sounds good."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚

Ava and Wanda found themselves in the spacious kitchen of the tower, bathed in the soft glow of overhead lights. Seated comfortably across from each other, Ava and Wanda shared a large pizza that had been expertly crafted by one of the tower's chefs. The aroma of melted cheese and freshly baked crust wafted through the air, tantalizing their senses.

Ava's fingers lightly tapped the edge of her slice, her gaze shifting between the inviting food and her companion. With a faint smile, she ventured into the conversation. "You know, apparently homecoming is right around the corner."

Wanda's eyebrow raised in curiosity, her interest piqued. "Homecoming?" Wanda's voice held a hint of intrigue, like she was genuinely curious about this teenage concept.

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